Tuesday, 22 September 2020



Having prior knowledge this ship would carry weapons to aid Britain on its return journey

Capitan Lieutenant Heinrich Bleichrodt should have waited, but, he being so trigger thirsty

After two failed attempts managed it on the third try, resulting in 77 children who then died

Blaming the British, for allowing such children to sail within a war zone, the Germans cried

This British ship was part of a convoy, no mention of it carrying children, and it sailed unlit

Bleichrodt had he known there were children on board, would never had have made that hit

That was all too much for Churchill who now put an end to ships that carried child evacuees

This was not his idea of those damn Germans, doing their best as to bring Britain to its knees

As only 2 weeks before there was the attack of the SS Volendam with 320 children on board

But; with this attack all the children survived, though to their luck it should as not be ignored

As it was found later another torpedo unexploded, that was securely embedded into her bow

And, it was from this that first initially started, this unholy evacuation of evacuees by sea row

Children; who were supposed to be as protected, than be killed by those cold forsaken waves

With far too many of them never even reaching shore and were left within their ocean graves


“Capitan Lieutenant Heinrich Bleichrodt; attended the Nuremberg war crime trials for his part

in the sinking of the SS City of Benares, where he was then acquitted” . . .


“The British should also take their share of the blame for the deaths of these children for their

part in allowing their ships that carried the child evacuees alongside with any weapons of war

in any form upon them at the same time” . . .

Indiana Shaw . . .  :  /

Friday, 11 September 2020




Staff rod in hand, and, on my feet, a good pair of hardy, leather shoes

I set off, onto the bight coastal track, to a view, of many colourful hues

In the four score, plus ten of my years; not a day to me cease to amaze

Scattered along the ridge line sheep idle away their days, they as graze

As marram grass sways anchoring the sand brought in by the sea wind

Listening to the deafing sounds of the seagulls, their shrills as ingrained

This land, my land, passed down from father to son, my claim of proof

As far as my eyes can see, and, as far as the cattle can roam their hoof

A legacy given to me by God, and by my hands, my toil, it shall remain

No; false deceiver shall walk upon her, held with a promise of a lie feign

Every animal upon her, lives its life in freedom until their time is called

Before it is slaughtered, then as placed, upon the cutting table sprawled

With thanks and praises given, for the bellies, it is now given to nourish

Bones as ground down, and returned to this earth, in which to flourish

In turn; other sheep eat the greener grass, its wealth, to them unknown

This being the cycle of life, my Grandfather to father, to son been shown

A seal pup, on the shore cries ardently for its mother, yearning to be fed

Scottish folklore seal Selkies, which line the shore, as fill folks with dread

Who shed their skins into human form nothing short of a mermaid’s tale

For 7 years they roam around in human form in which to plight their ail

Shep; the sheep dog though not original in name, scurries the dried grass

Un-settling the grouse, and the long tailed pheasants they limber on pass

Pleasant is this land in all of its wonderment and awe, thus beauty score

With the musical notes of the wildlife and wind in tune across this shore

This balance of nature, cannot in anyway be understated, or, be ignored

This certitude between heaven and earth, and its forever eternal life cord

Rests upon my shoulders, its weight is more, as embedded into my heart

As I idle the bight pathway of this coast, until it’s time for me to depart

These old dried and cracked, salt sprayed leather shoes shall be left to lie

Staff rod left standing in the lobby, and, with my dog resting, I shall die

My son’s will as follow in my footsteps along that bight path of this coast

Will give cheer and blessings also, as in their fathers name they will toast

May forever eternal blessings rise above this beautiful, and as hallow land

That it should suffer not any detriment, this is my, and God’s command

 Dedicated to my Dad . . .  

Dianne Shaw . . .

Thursday, 7 November 2019



I never even knew you; I was born a long time after your sad death
But I do know the future you gave me, with your last dying breath

Indiana Shaw . . . -_-