Wednesday, 22 August 2012


As with Iraq the UK is yet again siding with its Bum chums the Americans that the idea of Syria even owning chemical weapons is a good enough reason to go in and intervene in Syria's problems, when Syria has made it quite clear it would only use such weapons should they be threatened by western interference, seems president Barack Obama needs his votes and the UK and the rest of the world is riddled with debt so why not ? Why change history when it comes to having a good all out war ? Just how far are the west prepared to go when Syria itself knows to have any variability in world affairs that dear old “Bashar” al Assad has to go and now Syria has come to its senses and discussions are now being held by Syria itself to force the dear old “Bashar” al Assad to stand down why try to push it further, whether you like it or not “Bashar” al Assad has not got it all wrong when it comes to outside western interferences, by America continually entering into other countries affairs leaves them with the old all right saying the yanks like to say, “you would have never have won the war without us and guess what we are now in control of your country” ! Is Syria the only country here to be in possession of chemical or biological weapons ? I think not, but hey since when did that count ?

And why oh why just as Syria is in discussions on how to drop the now debunked dear old Bashar” al Assad does the great old Americans have to pipe up “Sort it or we are going in” Nothing like putting more pressure onto Syria is there ?

Yes of course we would all like to see an end to the situation that is plighting Syria but do any of us have the answers oh just how to go about this, do you really think getting dear old “Bashar al Assad to step down is the one and only true answer here ? Does Syria even have a government that can please all of it people on the ready to take over from what has been a long haul of being under a family’s rule that has governed for 42 years, under a system has been corrupted for just as long ? That has a military who has stood by and is agreeing and being supportive in the killing of its own people ?

In all honestly it is not all a little too late for Syria now, given that both sides have shown no true intention of trying to bring peace to Syria over the table, it has seemed to be an game on war with both sides and throw in the dirty intentions of ethnic cleansing, revenge killings and a few harden Islamic extremists groups, not to mentions what game the west are playing in Syria too, is there really anyone who cares about the true Syria people who are caught up in all of this ? Someone one is arming the military, someone is arming the rebels, someone more than just dear old “Bashar” al Assad is to blame here, is it you is it me ? Is our money really going to where it should be ? Have the arms we have allowed to enter Syria to support the rebels, the Islamic freedom fighters in the end only prolonged the war ? Whatever weapons the oppressions’ have received it has not and will not be enough for the rebels to do an all out victory over “Bashar” al Assad might, oh yes they can and have had their moments of glory but seldom are they winning and in doing so are costing more lives in Syria why they try, leaving Syria with only two options, the government force the dear old “Bashar” Assad down or leave it to west who don’t really have to use the possibility of chemical warfare as a excuse to why they should enter, the Syria people should themselves be enough and the hell to Russia and China because the idea that “Bashar” all Assad can bring Syria back from this is well gone.

Maybe as governments of other countries we should be putting the sanctions on Russia and China for prolonging the time it is taking for allowing other countries to intervene and give much needed help to the now homeless and going hungry refugees, but hey no we can’t be seen as going against these countries can we ? Damn that would too much like really going to war would it not ? Well let me tell you, you intervene in Syria you will be going there and so much more with just about all of its neighbours and more, once you start it will be a case of one in all in, but maybe that’s your true intentions, let’s just have a God all mighty war and get it all over in one go !

The devil will rise and you will be dammed if you follow such notions that a country of warmongers such as America and we are trying our best to be like you western countries play we are God !

So close were we to have riots that could have spread like a disease through the UK only in this last year, how soon do you it will be before a few nukes could really spoil your day ?

Think on . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Saturday, 18 August 2012


So much emphasis has been placed on to evil Ian Brady's door to give up even if only in death the possibility of someway of being able to disclose the whereabouts of young Keith Bennett's remains, the hope that just maybe this possibility could have been disclosed in a letter after his death can no longer exist for poor Winnie, young Keith's mother, whose only wish was to bring her young boy home and to give him a decent Christian burial in her life has now passed by on her own death, how sad and so incredible ironic that the victim mother should pass on and his letter should it ever exist means now to Winnie so very little, the even saddest thing here is, is that if such a letter ever existed and was held by Ian Brady’s mental health advocate to such a point that she felt she had to mention this on TV via a documentary then for one reason or another she retracted that statement, any last hope of finding young Keith’s body in Winnies life time have now been dashed and this guilt should lie at Jackie Powell’s door, for what may have just been the last possible vital information as to young Keith’s last whereabouts and may have been the last and only hope of finding young Keith’s remains while Keith’s mother Winnie was still alive.

God bless Winnie and Keith and may they both receive the long awaited love that both have lost in life reunited in death . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Friday, 17 August 2012


Why has it gone to the news yet again ? That there may be yet again hope of finding the little boy Keith Bennett’s remains, I'm sure we all live in hope his remains can be found and laid to rest before his mother dies but I for one am totally against the news going to the press yet again that there may be a possibility of now finding his remains thus yet again building up poor Keith's mother hopes up once again, this is just cruel beyond belief given we have been hearing this since 1964 when Keith was murdered by the evil Ian Brady and then shielded by his side kick the evil Myra Hindley and then left buried on the moors somewhere with his being the only body of 5 that still remains to be found, the shit stirring Jackie Powell who is Ian Brady's mental health advocate let slip on a TV documentary it may be possible that Ian Brady’s disclosed the whereabouts of Keith's remains in a letter given to her addressed to Keith’s mother and to be only opened after Ian Brady’s long awaited death, should such a letter exist then the police should have checked on this and acted on it prior of it going to news instead of what may be pretentiously nothing more than a false claim by this woman, as the police have been unable to find any existence of this letter, I am not saying this claim is false but it is takes a very cruel woman to suggest that it does exist and furthermore not to be able to produce this letter or at least to say where this letter is ! And what is the law in regard of this should such a letter exist in regard of Ian Brady’s rights in all of this ! A cruel twist is it not that we already know that such an evil man as Ian Brady has more rights over the deceased child Keith Bennett or his poor mother Winnie Bennet .

Now because of this claim that such a letter exists the police have had to inform Keith’s Bennett’s family of such a claim of the said letter so yet again bringing provocation to an already very sad state of affairs for them, remembering that Ian Brady has already been with the police on the moors in an attempt to find Keith’s remains, what can be in the letter that could bring positive evidence to his but hopefully not his last resting place ?

Jackie Powell has stated her statement has been misrepresented something not totally unknown for TV documentary editors or directors who are in the same sick game to make news from someone’s else grief to jump on the bandwagon to glorify themselves with it all remaining to be seen, does the right to a rightful burial over rule Ian Brady’s right to have his wishes in regard of the said letter not to be given to Keith's mother till after his death be upheld ?

One thing for sure we as a nation live in hope that for the Bennett family that Keith’s remains can be found if this can be even be possible after such a long time on the moors ! We have all lived in hope to bring this very sad event to a close for Keith’s family and anyone having the gall to try and bring fresh hope to all of this is as evil as Ian Brady himself . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. (*-* )

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Dear Ayman

“Bashar” al Assad was always too strong to ever give in Ayman, we all knew this from the start, the UN going into Syria would have only made things so much worse, it all depended on military & government defections this is the only thing that will weaken the regime, this is all now starting to happen, the beginning of the end of “Bashar” al Assad's regime has now started, fighting the rebels is just the last stand, there is one thing dear old “Bashar” al Assad cannot take in all of this is the shame of losing, Assad is a loser, the military are on a losing battle, there will be many more defections, the rules of engagement have changed Ayman, any military personal found to be responsible in causing the death of innocents will be held to account after all this is over, so the ones with any sense of this are getting out now, it is July now if this is not over by October then be sure we all will be heading into WW3 as Syria is acting as a trigger point to all of it neighbouring countries with Iran wanting any excuse to go to war! You are actually making incredible history Ayman without even knowing it, even if Assad steps down the rest of the story is not over for Syria, Syria is riddled with a poison that will not be easy to get rid of because the whole system is corrupted now beyond repair, you will go on never knowing which brother you can trust and the impossible task of cleansing Syria will take hundreds of years, you will have got rid of the dear old “Bashar” al Assad but will you ever get rid of his hard line supporters, the Syrian mafia, the Islamic extremists, the jihads, the religious conflicts, the secret police, if the US supports a new government, then you will be like all the other paid controlled governments under their control, with America one step closer to Iran, take all of your neighbouring countries, take all of their problems and it will all end up with you in the middle, as much as we hated to even admire the dear old “Bashar” al Assad, he held you from a hell ever so worse than what you think you could and have ever suffered under his regime!

We can hope more defect, that peace can prevail and Syria will one day be free.

Aysha Sadiq-Ali *_*;

7th August 2012.