Friday, 30 June 2017


Soon it will be Saturday and I will be in the garden . . . 

It is the only pleasure I get in life and I am going to enjoy it for as long as I can . . . 

So before you say - "Lucky you - for even having a garden" . . . 

It is the first ever garden I have ever owned so I have earned it . . . 

Thank you very much . . . 

Indiana Shaw . . . ; )





It had to come didn't it - I can never hold my mouth . . . 

Maybe we should start with the cost cutting Councillor Rock Feilding-Mellen . . . 

He was after all the one who was behind the upturning of the use of the more expensive zinc outer cladding to the less expensive aluminium outer cladding which seems to be the fault here for the speed in which the fire at Glenfell towers spread. . .  

As to who were the contractors in regard of everything else to do with the block will come . . .

But it all seems to be down to cost cutting and poor workmanship in regard of other workmanship issues . . . 

Council - designers & contractors - fire brigade - all hold a part in this sad disaster . . . 

Don't be so quick to judge or blame Ryton's who supplied the cladding - after all did Ryton take it upon themselves to change the cladding on Glenfell towers to save money - well - the answer is no . . . 

But the greed for money to keep the contract other than refusing the contract on grounds of health and safety and the knowledge that the cladding and the way it was designed was going to be toxic and cause a fire to spread more easily - well - yes . . . 

Did anyone's morals come into to play before allowing the go ahead for people to continue to live there - well - no . . . 

At the end of the day it is the fire brigade who had to sign off that building for safe use . . . 

And the when those clearences were then not signed - who was/were the person/people who over ruled them . . . 

The Hillsborough disaster was not due to one person alone - it was about a catalogue of mistakes that were over - ruled . . . 

What made the Hillborough disaster so bad was the police's need to cover up their part in the disaster . . . 

When really the start of the whole story began with the design of the football ground itself . . . 

That right at the beginning it did not have clearence from the fire brigade . . . 

So please let start at the beginning and not the end . . . 

Forget the false flag that Glenfell towers was due for demolition in 2014 as were a lot of high rised flats that were built in their day - it was simply a case of demolition or refit and there was no reason to say no to a overhaul of Glenfell or any other tower block . . . 

But only if done correctly to make sure the health and safety of the people who then had to go on and live in that block once refurbished . . . 

The problem with Glenfell towers was it did not take an none existent over skilled building contractor of a tenate to see the faults in the work that was being done to their homes to spot the faults in the workmanship they were faced with . . . 

It was the fact that when their complaints were put forward that they were ignored that in the end cost the lives of a lot of people . . . 

Is every council officer who dealt and then chose to ignore or follow up on that complaint that should have been passed up to a higher level sleeping "OK" tonight - I wonder . . . 

To many cooks spoil the broth all or should I say to manycrooks are all out now to put that blame onto some one else now . . . 

The council is looking towards the government for a hand out to cover the cost of their misdemeanors - excuse me is it not own your bloody fault . . . ?

As I say when social services give out a poor service as we watch another child die - if you do not have the funds or the resoures to offer a proper service - don't offer it a all . . . 

And we forced to close down to a lack of funds from the government is more than enough - rather than doing half a job and then starting the blame game on anyone but themselves as another child dies . . . 

If I turned up to do a job or anyone of you with the lame excuse - sorry - I do not have the necessary funds or the correct quality of tools or goods to do the job correctly to carry out a proper to standard - would you then go ahead and accept second best - what do you think your answer would be . . . 

If you haven't got it - leave it . . . 

Yes - the government are to blame - they collect the taxes to pay for all of this - but they are to busy putting it into the hands of the rich to cover their own backs at a later day - sod the poor . . . 

Wow - no money to see that the job is done properly - now so many lives lost - yet all of a sudden we will be rehousing the now remaining victims of this disaster in a multi billion housing block. . . 

Strange - so strange - because if you can pull your finger out for this disaster - why not have handed it out in the first place and maybe we could have avoided the disaster in the first place . . . 

Why do we have this cost cutting attitude that only costs more in the end - don't we get taught this as a child or young person - shoddy workmanships always costs more in the end . .

If just somewhere you could have just even out the costs we could all of been happy . . . 

And you think Theresa May is doing you a favour - forget it - she is now bleeding all the much needed coffers off to pay - but do we really have to pay it - Brexit . . . 

Councils will have to even pull back even more on none exsisting funds - the NHS will fall - more homeless - on so and so on and  so on . . . 

You cut costs - you cost lives - but hey - amazing- we are now going to spends billions on court cases - so we can put the blame each other - the families now need their compo - years and years of this - yet so simply if the job had been done right in the first place - the money saved . . . 

God forbid if any company was using cheap over-sea labour to add to the mix . . . 

Just why do we need the housing in the first place - oh - we need to accommodate our very welcome over sea friends who will just not live in more less over crowded areas of the UK - Oh no - it must be within the London borough - we want the best - so you can expect less . . . 

Why can't Britain just support itself once again - see our children wanting to grow up and train to be doctors and nurses - factories re-opened to produce quality british goods - money put back into our childrens future apprenticeships - Oh No - it's all about cheap labour and what they can bring to our ecomony . . . 

All bloody well - so just were is all of this money they are bringing to the ecomony - our children - even their parents are homeless - there is no work - our NHS run on cheap labour is dying a death - there is more folk at the food banks - our childrens education all gone to pot . . . 

And nothing is going to get better - the rich want your money - they do not want to give you employment - give you any form of diginty - then you die - you are nothing short of a tower block of people dying in a fire and will be old news in a few weeks - take a good look at the news - it is dying a death already . . . 

This is how the rich operate - but strangely - Judges - lawyers - new building contractors - are standing to make wads of cash as we now deal with another case of incompetence against the poor . . . 

And the wheels go round . . . 

5M funds for the survivors of the Glenfell tower fire - peanuts man - not anywhere as half as much as everyone one else will be getting out of it now defending the case . . .   

A win win for some I would say . . . 

The Kensington and Chelsea council still delivering out hand delivered letters days after the event to tenates in regard of dog fouling - victims turning up at the council offices being given a tenner . . .

Oh the cost saving council could have save a few bob on them letters alone and put it to a more worthy cause . . .

All donations neatly stored away - for what - they need it now . . . 

But hey . . . 

Why does the expression - "Just another day at the office spring to mind" - I ask you . . .

As for towers blocks - no more gas supplied within the blocks - no children after the 7th floor - no disabled after the 7th floor or old or infirm - stick to this and you may just well have save some lives - after all they deserve it . . . 

And last but not least - stop the building within the London borough of high rise flats - if there is no space to create homes to accommodate people in the first place there would be no need to house them . . . 

Put housing needs to those who deserve it - to people with a local connection like other councils over the country do - with exceptions of those who actually have a job there  . . .

Not to people who turn up from over-seas - it is not that you are unwelcome - but accept once here you could be allocated to any part of the UK to help lighten the load some what on the borough of london itself . . . 

Why are you allowing yourselves to over crowd an otherwise over crowded city . . . 

You are as the council making your own rod . . .

Give yourselves a limit then say sorry to all those who end up at your office that go over tha limit . . . 

It will go far to the health of citizens within the London borough area - the education of your children - the NHS within the borough - and of course their housing . . .

Spread the love - spread the housing . . . 

After all is it not the government who through the home office who let in all the extras in with a claim we need them for our countys ecomony growth while stunting the otherwise growth of our own citizens at the same time with over crowding . . . 

We are told we need another 1M homes built to accommodate the extra people . . . 

Homes not necessary even built by are own people - but by cheaper over-seas labourers - who by the way need accommodating while here on the job - killing the need for much needed work for our own people . . . 

Stop immagrants who come on indefinate leave having the rights to buy our social housing at a knocked down price when they in fact they do not deserve it . . . 

Put a 15 year ban on this till they have been here long enough to have earned it . . . 

Because some are here only on the grounds of this alone - and then are the very first to break the rules by renting out to others before the 5 years are up to be able to able to pay the mortgage and to set their rellies up in businesses back home . . . 

To say some are not laughing at us the "Mugs" is beyond belief I can assure you . . . 

Why are we paying child benefit to some very large families over seas - wives getting pensions who live over seas and have never even stepped inside this country never alone lived here . . . ?

The rules should be - you want the money for them then they as your family as a whole should have to have lived here in this country for at least 5 years . . . 

Instead we get a smack in the face for our own ex-pats who live over-seas but have done their bit for britain that your wives are not getting one bit of your well earned pension . . . 

Is that not like one rule for one and one for another with exception to foreigners - excuse me . . . 

Who makes these daft rules up - I ask you . . . 

So I say it once say it again - "Mugs" the lots of us . . . 

Act like a sheep - get slaughtered like a sheep I say . . .

It is our fault as much as the government because we just put up with their "Let's take the "Mugs" for more money" and do not do a lot about it . . . 

It is all black or white - nothing is tiered to be fair to all . . . 

Take a look at the ill-fated bedroom tax - foster parents having to pay for an unfilled room - the disabled needing live in carers - those who given a 2 or more bedroom accommodation through no fault of their own because the council could not fulfil in been able to find a single persons accommodation - no tiers - just tears and for some to end up homeless . . .

When this ship sinks and the rich rats that can afford it leave the sinking ship - it will be the less wealthy of us who actually paid for that privilege that will drown as the ship goes down - and strangley enough it will be nothing but your own bloody fault  . . . 

Open your eyes or die - I say . . .      

Indiana Shaw . . . -_-