Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Well - It's all the fun of the fair again as the Americans now look prepared to enter Yemen, where as far back as a few weeks were they even interested in doing so why now - haven’t we been quite happy to just bypass Syria and all of it problems - but hell Yemen is different isn't it . . .

So let’s start again here . . .

Saudi journalist the fat fart face Jamal Khashoggi enters a Saudi consulate to sort out some paper work that would allow him to re-marry and then just disappears . . .

Then all the fun and games start as to just who done it . . .

Well - I always say listen to the first reports and stick with "em - as that is usually where the truth lies in those first reports - before it has a chance to be changed . . .

He came - he went but strangely we never saw him leave - unless you include a very badly disguised Arab wearing his clothes leaving by the back door . . .

Rumour has it a whole group of Saudi's agents 18 in all turned up on a mission to do the journalist Jamal the fat fart face Khashoggi aged 59 in once and for all as he entertained the Saudi consulate in Turkey to sort that paper work out . . . 

But then daft as it is all changes as so did golden boy Donald Trump story that the fat fart face Khashoggi is frustrated at not getting his much needed paperwork sorted out and takes on the 18 Saudi security guys within the consulate and loses - sounds feasible to me says the golden boy  Donald Trump . . .

So no reason to stop any arms deal with the Saudi’s - besides there are employees to be taken into account who would be out of a job and of course that $110 billion pay load to be taken into account - which I may add doesn’t surpass the $350 billion arms deal done in just the last year alone . . .

Excuse me - what is this other world you are supposed to be taking us all into Trump - you are a war monger who peddles in weapons as all the fuckers before you - so just what is new here - what a fuckin’ scumbag you are turning out to be Donald Trump . . .

Now of course the story is all changing in regard of the disappearance of the fat fart face Khashoggi with the Turkish authorities now admitting that the fat fart face Khashoggi was jumped upon just after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul - Turkey and strangled and then cut up and disposed of in all of the normal ways journalists are now a days - nice one . . .

Enters Saudi Crown Prince up your arse Mohammed bin Salam as the journalist fat fart face Khashoggi most criticised Princey of the Yemen conflict who really should have thought up of a more mundane way of disposing the fat fart face Jamal Khashoggi - a nice car crash maybe - though just as I was getting into the mode that planes and helicopters were the latest trend . . .

Like is the football world really past taking out successful honest football club owners that have made success with their club if it were not to suit their requirements of dubious dealings - I ask you - but don’t think about it too long as it is actually quite scary . . .

But is it where it is all going to with the fate of the fat fart face Khashoggi that worries me as the American war mongers are now on the news deciding it is imperative we now enter Yemen as in now . . .

Tactics used “Oh those poor people have had it bad for the last 4 years - OMG why do I see a Tony Blair coming on here and meanwhile Syria continues to burn with a death toll nearing half a million and with millions more displaced . . .

But Yemen is now at the forefront and need to be sorted - give me a fuckin’ break - this is about gridlocking Saudi not helping the poor souls of Yemen who are being killed by the very guns the USA and the UK sell to the Arabs who then pass them on to the rebels who are taking the lives of their own Muslim neighbours . . .

Arabs are the worst offenders in every crime written to man - shitty bastards the lot of them as they are behind just about every rebel fighter and extremist Islamic group known to man who are turning this world upside down past and present . . .

The Americans are supplying 60% of arms to the Saudi’s with the second biggest supplier being the UK at 20% which includes the dirty player cluster bombs that the rebels are using to kill the Yemen people to this very day . . .

Yet all of a sudden our sympathy is about to played upon as to why we need to enter the Yemen conflict and as soon as . . .

Unless Putin the little bear wants to support the Arabs - the Arabs are on a losing game with only the rebel Muslims under whatever factor they wish to call themselves as the true Arab supporters - except if you did want to take a pot shot against the Americans - fear not - there will be more than one country happy to join you - even if one of those countries is actually the one to press the button on a few missile launchers coming from the direction of the Middle East and then stand back as the world kindly puts all the blame on the Saudi’s as they do . . .

Either way what a fuckin’ mess - nothing has changed except it is the Arabs who are our enemy’s now . . .

So the Arabs who are to me the Holy Quran's worst abominations who have been shit stirring since beginning of time - who are above their station in thinking they are all important and above “Allah”- really you are just about everything the Quran is not about man . . .

You are sucking the wealth out of Saudi and the Middle East in general well before its time in your greed and spending its wealth even quicker - then daft enough to build your wealth on shifting sands - one small Sheik and it all falls down and now you may have just fuelled WW3 by the simple task of taking one of your own Saudi journalists out and as the fat fart face Jamal Khashoggie still continues his job of employment as a journalist and sound critic of the Crown Prince up your arse Mohammed Salam of Saudi from beyond the grave or should I say his many graves of separate body parts . . .

So it is the same old - same old as we supply the weapons which in turn will kill our own collateral damage complementary soldiers who are just put out on in the field of danger to cover our real intentions in making head way to grid lock the Saudi’s before they take over Yemen themselves to gridlock it for their own use - no let’s get in there first - a tactic that little bear Putin tried a few years back in regard of protecting his own country. . .

Fuck just when is everyone going to wake up to it all . . .

Syria is out of oil - so why enter it . . .

But a war with Saudi - well that just speaks for itself . . .

Fuel for thought you could well say . . .

And as the golden boy Donald Trump’s money doesn’t count here with the Arabs as it may well have done with Kim Wrong Un who will shit on the deal once any war starts on America and will only be too happy to join in the affray . . .

Why on earth are we even supplying the Arabs with arms anyway - it is not as if they are at war is it - “Hell” no - it is the same as ever we supply the Arabs - they supply the rebels and every Muslim extremist group going to man . . .

And the UK if it has any sense really needs to let go of its ever so close relationship with the USA as soon as - or we will be going down with America as it sinks too . . .

Now the back to the blame game - because by the time all of this is finished there will be more conspiracy theories going about as it is just too easy for any corrupt leader to have done the hit and then point the finger to those most likely to be seen as the perpetrator and the Arabs who are not so bright losing out to the more clever sods in the game who have been doing it since time for them began . . .

But I do think this one sticks with it being either on the orders or the blessings of the Crown Prince up your arse Mohammed bin Salam of Saudi himself - but only because the dumb ass of the Saudi Prince didn’t get in there first screeching it has all been a setup from those dumb ass Americans - because that would have sounded un-strangely quite more feasible to me . . .

And here’s to that fat fart face Jamal Khashoggi you are in fact in a better place now - really . . .

Indiana Shaw . . .