A bedroom tax for those in need of social
housing what is wrong with it . . . . ?
Well for a start it has been
brought into action far too quick . . .
From a government who just does
but never thinks . . . .
It is the rules of social housing
that need to be changed . . . .
And that in its self could have
been started 1st April 2014 . . . .
Social housing is supposed to be
given as needed . . . .
As a family expands so does the needs
for more bedrooms . . . .
But as the dire need to house
single people many were given 2 bedroom places some times more to live !
Was or is this their fault . . .
. ?
Those on benefit were accommodated
providing their rent did not exceed the single persons allowance for that area
. . . .
And if the rent exceeded this allowance the remainder of the rent was
payable whether social or private but knowable prior to that person or persons
agreeing on that rent contract . . . . !
If this situation was now to be
reversed just say by a set date rather than a tax . . . .
Where accommodation was held back
till more suitable accomodation to that person or family needs became available . . . .
The first thing you would see is
an influx of these person or persons having to hang about a lot longer on a all ready long
waiting list . . . . !
And this goes on and on depending
on the amount of people within a family requiring accommodation and each family
needs to the size of accommodation required . . . .
Is this the fault of the persons
concerned . . . . ?
“Well” in an answer no . . . .
That’s the system for you . . . .
But a lot of people on benefits
are about to pay the price for being poorly accommodated . . . .
Head of households whose families
had now grown up and moved on “Well”
If it had been stated this accommodation
was to have been given to you as a social need only for the amount of members within that
family and once that need was up you would in effect be upgraded or downgraded
as needs required as in a in bred law then . . . .
Being told that if you did not
accept this a bedroom tax would then be payable . . . .
Then people would accept this . .
. .
But to hit this on people who are not in a postion at this very moment in time to be able to find more suitable accomodation and then to be able to move . . . .
After all there is there not a resession on at this given time . . . . ?
And did you give any consideration to the very high costs of such a removel for any of these people . . . ?
A years grace would have been nice than a just lets slam them with this and be damned . . . .
But the way it is now it is lets extract as much as we can before they sink atittude . . . .
And I mean sink this with other cuts to benefits will only add to people going into arrears but "Hey" no worries you can always get a job . . . . !
These wishing to stay in their now under occupied housing and can afford it well just maybe the then tax collected
from such persons whose choice is of their own could then given to area councils
towards building more accommodation as are readily required for the now smaller family or single person . . . .
But to just barge in without a
proper thought throwing everyone in to disarray, stress and into a situation
they can ill afford will take its toll . . . .
It would have been far so better to say starting from now that accomodation will only be given to suit ones needs and no benefit will be given on over sizing yourself, extra rooms will have to be paid for . . . . !
Exceptions to the rule should
have been allowed . . . . !
Those heavily disabled whose housing
has been adapted solely for them; foster parents should also be in the
exception, do they not after all look after the children whom actually come
from inadequate social housing in the first place, the very elderly, and the
mental ill . . . . ?
Young adults between the ages of
16 to 21 as after all do these people not receive a much lower level of benefit
than a adult over the age of 21 . . . . ?
Strange world because the price
of a loaf of bread and a pint of milk costs the same to all no matter what age
you are, as are all essential commodities . . . .
By all accounts it is fair by far
that this in bred “no worries attitude” we can just be accommodated and live off
the state when we leave school has to end . . . .
If morally unadjusted young girls
are brought up to think it is ok to have sex outside of marriage when they are
in no way in a position to then support themselves or their child “Gawd forbid”
as if they did not learn their lesson the first time round, the many more
children they then go on to have usually by other different fathers who just
never seem to be around to foot the bill for those just children . . . . !
And if the then wayward fathers
are then left to get away with it . . . .
Then you can hardly expect them
to realise that social housing is a necessity of need not a plain “Hand it to
me on a plate” exception . . . .
If this government really want
turn this “Hand it to me a plate” attitude on it's head then working towards changing social
attitudes is an upmost must . . . .
Remarks such as how will people
on benefits cope without their satellite TVs, cigarettes, drinking and even
holidays habits may have been held up as stereotyping all people on benefits,
but “Hey” let’s get this right benefits are a means to get you through to
better times not a lifelong holiday paid by the hard working taxpayer . . . . !
So what do I think of this bedroom
tax . . . . ?
It is just another gimmick from a
government as how to get their hands on more money as usual from the wrong
people and very badly thought out . . . .
Which could in the end see the
very people we should be protecting out on the streets . . . . !
At a time when the governments are asking councils to cut back on much needed social funds but at the same time giving people claiming rent allowances the responsibility of paying their own rent given to them again by the hard working tax payer and to which are now running councils into millions in rent arrears "Beggars belief . . .
And then the all ready hard working tax payer have to foot out the bill to recover this massive fallout from benefit receivers who for one reason or another ran up these huge amounts of rent arrears . . . !
I say send these "Who ever dreamt this one up" goverment officials back to the class room to re-sit their maths tests . . . .
Because in the end it ends up costing more to clean up the mess left behind by all of this . . . . !
How can a government bellow out a so called "Bedroom tax" solely for those on benefits when they would be able to claim so much more from the 7 under used bedrooms of the rich . . . . ?
Since when has it been a crime for your family to grow up and leave home . . . ?
For the so called "Bedroom tax" What should have been brought in
was an easing of movement of moving single persons and families who now have properties
to large for their needs into more suitable accommodation as a new found law without penalties and only those and I mean only those who are not prepared to give up their under used propeties a tax or levy .
. . .
Because remember paying extra tax
or a levy in not giving accomodation up but just being made to pay for it . . . .
So just where in all of this does this help the housing market I have no idea . . . .
That/those vital room/rooms are still
taken . . . . !
Does anyone add up the amount of social accomodation that is taking up by immigrants, refugees and ayslum seekers, not who pays their rent I may add, just the amount of housing that is swallowed up by the continued influx of people entering this country with many of them sitting in housing far to big for their needs . . . . ?
Just remember folks when the
government are out there trying to hit out at their own end of the market they tend to
complain and have whatever ruling over ruled . . . .
“No” smoking in the work place
unless of course you just happen to work in the “House of Commons”
On a account they work long hours and it is a stressful job . . . .
Well I know a awful lot of people who work long hours and are totally stressed out just trying to make ends meet while those that work in the "House of Commons" are thinking up yet another idea as just how to get their hands on that hard earned money you have stressed yourself out to get just to get you through another day . . . .
Do me . . . .
Indiana Shaw . . .