Saturday, 25 May 2013


Many countries at one time or another have been regarded as an "Axis of evil" some still are . . .
So how can so many countries be at one time or another be referred as an axis of evil . . . ?
Well each of those countries described as an axis of evil have at one time or another been occupied by the likes of al Qaeda, insurgents, Islamic extremists or militants, some still are . . .
So is Damascus an axis of evil . . . ?
"Well" it may well have been not even under the "Lets Bash Em" al Assad regime but it sure is on the road to being one now . . .
As it is more and more occupied by the like of al Qaeda, insurgents, Islamic extremista or militants. . .
And so much more . . .
And no matter how you may have felt under the "Lets Bash Em" al Assad's regime nothing will compare to what you feel if he loses control and the likes of above get their hands on Syria . . . !
Rebels that are suicide bombers are not soldiers of freedom but Islamic extremists who are not one bit concerned about the Syrian peoples freedom but only concerned of getting their own sense of control over a weaken country to press it own ideology of extreme Islamic law over the Syrian people . . .
This freedom in its worst state . . .
So as Syria is spirally out of control with no one strong enough to conform it, sectarian volence will continue in every form it can take whether it be religion or difference of tribal opinion . . .
While Syria is at present unstable the likes of Iraq is away having its own fun and games in this department . . .
Also with such unstable and volatile countries as it neighbours surrounding Syria thare could well be more fun and games to be played here . . .
The worst of it all now is that even if Syria was to form an agreement it now has to contend with another enemy within in disguised many forms . . .
Would any new government or coalition have the ability or the know how as "Lets Bash Em" al Assad has or even the power given the Russians are supporting "Lets Bash Em" al Assad and not the Syrian people ?
Because without his support, his army or Russia's weapons Syria will no longer have the capabilities to fight that enemy within . . . !
Either way the people of Syria lose . . .
We as the world have failed Syria for not nipping this in the bud 2 years ago . . .
You as rebels of freedom have lost the respect of the world for failing to come forward for talks unless "Lets Bash Em" al Assad had stepped down completely and for not observing Kofi Annan's crease fire and unbeknown angered "God" . . .
So it is hell to your crys of "Help us world please help us" . . .
The animals have been left to destroy what is left of Syria while Russia wrings its hands in glee as its hope of having steadily more control over the Middle East increases with oil in its mind . . .
Russia's motto being "Keep your friends closer but your enemy closer still" while nodding its head in agreement with America and the world but doing very little to change the status within Syria in regard of supplying weapons to "Lets Bash Em" al Assad's regime . . .  
The Russians being the only winners here . . .
But it is the Chinese who stands to gain the most here with not one of their resources being used up should this become an all out scale war with every one being involved and their weapins depleted . . .
Their weapons will be in plentiful supplier should it want to pick on and weaken county such as America if Iran gets involved in this conflict . . .
This war is due and many countries will be involved . . . .
Every day we hear the news filled with atrocities from all sides, so whom do we place are trust and support in with weapons when only the naive would arm you . . .
"Lets Bash Em" al Assad is totally correct to say the likes of David Cameron does not have the slightest idea  of the real game being played here and that we as the UK would live or even die regretting it, "Lets Bash Em" al Assad sees your "we have to be seen as doing something to help the Syria people" as fool hardy at the least of even thinking of passing any type of weapons to the likes of so called rebel freedom fighters flying under the flag of the likes of the "Jabhat al Nusra" party and other parties such as "Ahrar al Sham" . . .
What is best is to keep right out of it . . .
Should this turn into a full scale war with Syria's neighbouring countries, do we need the likes of Iran
turning on us for trying to see what we think as help for Syria . . . ?
Syria's neighbours know on ground level how and what is best to cope and deal with what is happening within Syria . . .
The likes of America arming and training rebels within the "Golan Heights" will be remained to be seen once the fighting is over as to see if they have ended up issue as "Afghanistan" and the "Pakistan" training camps then ended being used at later date against them . . .  
When America and the UK entered Iraq was the loss of life that stemmed higher from that invasion in our bid to bring "Saddam" down worth it . . . ?
When now you have to consider that no real peace ever prevailed from it and sectarian killing are increasing ten fold since we have left . . .
Was any real problem really ever resolved other than to put the oil in the hands of the Shi'ites s under the directive of the Americans . . . ?
So not matter how many people are dying or displaced in Syria it is never as much as when outer forces start to come in to play "God" . . .
David Cameron play in Libya was a lucky one, he was after all playing with "Gaddafi" who was nothing but a mere toy soldier . . .
But "Hey" try looking at the mess you left behind . . . !
"Lets Bash Em" al Assad is far from being in the same league is he . . . ? 
If you don't know how to play with the big boys leave well alone . . .
We as the world missed on this one . . .
The rebels if they really had wanted it missed out on this one . . .
And there is a whole bunch of innocent Syrians who wished they had missed out on this one too . . .  
Indiana Shaw . . . *_*;

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