Can you ever visualize a day when all those "Muslim's" who are now sitting there in their new found countries and new homes that if there ever should be a call of war (Jihad) among the "Muslims" . . .
"Then" "Bingo" no need to send the "Missiles" in or an army with a "Label" of which country who "Dunnit" . . .
They will have their all ready made armies sitting right there next to you . . .
"Who" then are you going to "Trust" . . . ?
"Don't" believe me . . .
"Well" just try taking away a "Muslim's" "Dummy" . . .
And see how far that gets you . . . "
"Life is simple" . . .
"Accept" the "Women & children" ~ the "Old & weak" ~ The "Mentally ill" . . .
"Send" every "Fit & able" single male over the age of 18 to 55 back home . . .
It is "Their" countries have been invaded by the "Enemy" . . .
"Get" back there and fight it . . .
And I "Especially" point my finger at all those "Single" lads who turn up on their own "Crying" out to give you "Refuge" in a "European" country whilst leaving your "Real" "Vulnerable" relations behind . . .
This is "No" time to be saying "Well" in a few years I will get my "Indefinite" leave ~ my passport ~ I will go back and pick "Em" up then . . . !
They will be "Dead" . . .
If a "Person" cannot "Die" for his own "Country" ~ Their own "Kith & Kin" . . .
"Then" they should not be "Expecting" us to do so . . .
"Running along side you "Fighting" the "Enemy" is "One" thing . . .
Standing" there "Wailing" while we are doing it ~ is another . . .
Standing" there "Wailing" while we are doing it ~ is another . . .
"WW 1" what a "Total" waste of lives you think . . .
"But" that "War" and "WW 2" gave "Great Britain" it's "Freedom" . . .
"Is" it not "Time" even at a "Great" loss of "Life" to stand up to your own Battles" . . . ?
"After" all ~ is it not a "War" of your own "Religions" that is "Causing" all this "Mess" . . .
It is not one "Country" against another . . .
"You" are "After" all your own "Worse enemies . . .
"2" football teams "Clash" ~ "Why" ~
1) You "Hate" each other . . .
2) "1" of the "Teams" fans have crossed the "Border" into another "Teams" fans town . . .
Do the rest of the "Residents" of the "Home" team then "Cry" ~ "I" want out of this "Area" now ~ I have my own "Human" rights ~ I "Hate" football . . . !
"No" the "Away" team fans would get "Barred" from entering" the "Home" team area . . .
"That" failing ~ The "Police" or even the "Army" would enter the "Fray" to make sure they do . . .
"But" should the "Residents" for one reason or another be allowed to "Up" sticks in to a neighbouring "Football" stadium free "Zone" because of people getting "Stabbed" or "Bottled" ~ "I kid you not" ~ destruction of property ~ etc, etc, . . .
Would it then seem "Right" for you to then go on to "Accommodate" all the "Young & single" lads who may even be the supporters of the "Home" team and caused half of the "Fray" ~ whilst leaving the "Little old Ladies" behind to get their "Windows" smashed in ~ all from the "fallout" . . .
Would it then seem "Right" for you to then go on to "Accommodate" all the "Young & single" lads who may even be the supporters of the "Home" team and caused half of the "Fray" ~ whilst leaving the "Little old Ladies" behind to get their "Windows" smashed in ~ all from the "fallout" . . .
Would it then seem right that they move into your area for good never to return . . . ?
"And" even worse "Filling" your "Pubs" planning just how to get their own backs on the "Away" team ~ and by doing so could be "Prompting" the "Away" team fans to maybe come one day and "Visit" you . . . !
"Logic" here ~ "Before" thought ~ not "After" thought "Please" . . .
Of course it is our "Obligation" to "Accommodate" those in times of need . . .
"But" It is another to offer the "Hand" of "Kindness" only for it to get "Bit" by the very "Souls" you thought you had "Saved" at a later date . . .
It "Saddens" me to see the "Twists" in peoples "Opinion" now to the "latest" flood of "Refuges" from "Syria" ~ were you not the ones "Shocked" by what you saw was "Happening" within "Syria" ~ now we are seeing "Slogans" ~ "Kill the Muslims" ~ No more "Refugees" . . .
Hold on "Please" don't make the "Genuine" refugee get mixed up for a "Migrant" who just wants a "Better" life . . .
"Afghanistan's" people are leaving because they are not happy with their "Lot" . . . !
"Go" argue it out with your "Government" for "Gawd sake" you are not at war . . . !
"All" those "Fit & Able" young "Afghan" men not happy with the "Taliban" ~ do something about it ~ go join the "Army" ~ do your bit and quit your "Moaning" to "Us" . . .
It is not wrong to say you all seem a "Bunch of freeloaders" to me . . .
"Prove" me wrong "Pack your bags" ~ "Go home" ~ "Fight the "Enemy" . . .
"Not" happy with your "Government" . . .
"Sunshine's" we are all in the same "Boat" . . .
"We" are all trying to stay "Afloat" . . .
"But" there is "Only" so "Much" a "Boat" can take . . .
"Before" it "Sinks" . . .
Indiana "Tiger" Shaw . . . (*-*)
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