Thursday, 31 August 2017


Jacob's Ladder. . . 

News is out Armageddon is upon us and it is time for all of us to go
The worlds armies have all gathered and they are putting on a show
Everyone checks their D.N.A - so they know just where they stand
Before packing all their worthy goods and off to the Promised Land
After centuries of rejection everyone shows their claim of being a Jew
Even a whole bunch of Aborigines who just nobody even had a clue
We took every boat, plane, train, bus, car and pushbike to get there
Even the Muslims rushed so much they didn’t even stop for prayer
Palestine was the hot spot while looking for some guy called Jesus
Some found a guy called Moses and we thought that was a bonus
Every ladder found propped up then was looked upon in special awe
But “God” was having a moment because he knew the bloody score
He had divided us all over across North - South - East and West
Each and every one of us was exiled out and then sent on a test
Now each and every one was back here again at his Holy’s request
All lined up to see which one’s of us was going to be flippin’ blessed
The Jew boys’ butts were flapping - they just would not give it a rest
First in line as God’s chosen children they forever continued to stress
The rest of us just stood there with D.N.A forms and worthy goods in hand
While an Angel stood at each rung of the Jacobs ladder - their job to man
Inspecting each and every one of us to see if we would make the grade
Bribery of course was acceptable if enough to each Angel could be paid
Compassion was even allowed here as we all stopped for a cup of tea
So the Angels could off load their booty and have themselves a pee
Rungs unmanned - a few got in that shouldn’t have been there at all
Saddam Hussein’s nephew just got in with a “Phew” that was a close call
The blind & the lame stood on the side lines thinking they didn’t have a chance
But the Angels stopped the rest of us in the queue and let them all advance
Twelve days and 7 hours in all it took for the maddening crowd to die down
Till all that was left standing was a boy called Sue and that Clooney the clown
Jacobs’s ladder was then carefully hoisted up and was never to be again seen
No one was left except the char lady - who was still busy cleaning the canteen
“Oh” and that other bloke who started all of this - goes by the name of Jacob
Seems he left not long after we all arrived to have a few slices of illicit bacon
“Well” - if there was ever a earth in Heaven - we were about to have our day
It was so crammed packed up there even Jesus didn’t have anywhere to stay
The queue at immigration - it was worse than if we had been back at home
The ledgers were so overworked - at the mouth they had all started to foam
The Jew boys had all the best villa’s and had already set up their vendor stalls
The rest of us were just stuck in no man’s land and none of us were having a ball
And just as on earth - when the money ran out each of us were shown the door
“Gawd” - I really would not have bothered at all if I had really known the score
“But” hey - the free fall flight back down again was nothing short of amazing
Time I got home every bone and muscle in my broken body was truly aching
Armageddon wasn’t really so bad - given it was Israel they blew apart
And I am off shopping down at the now unmanned local super - mart

Indiana Shaw . . . ; )



Broken boy - Broken - Sits in a heap
Head bowed – Broken – Starts to weep

Left bereft - Broken - Heart wrenched
Anger filled - Broken - Hands clenched

A fathers gone - Broken - He can’t understand
The reasons behind - Broken - God’s only plan

Clock of time - Broken - His heart too
Time is gone - Broken - He’s missing you

Angry bird - Broken - Wings cut short
Feelings encased - Broken - Builds his fort

Broken heart - Broken - Left to cry
Broken boy - Broken - Wants to die

Indiana Shaw . . . (*-* )

Friday, 25 August 2017


Silence Befalls This Home Now

Looking through the bookshelves - a homemade book he chose
Trapped within the forgotten pages - he came upon a red rose

Flatten down with care - faded in colour - more so in its scent
Memories such of a time - so long ago - only to himself it lent

It came from a happy home - a home cherished - all with love
Every crevice packed with loving items - fitting all like a glove

A garden full of noises - the song birds they did forever sing
And on these evenings roll scents from the flowers often ling 

All crafted by a man to perfection - made to the one he loved
As to no other person - nor idol - to his love did he set above  

There was nothing he would not do - to him a toll well spent
To share with his fair maiden - who was to him - heaven sent

Their home a range of seductive aromas - a good woman baked 
The scent of fresh green grass - cut - he meaningful then raked

A garden and a home - once filled with laughing children galore
With hollow sadness wasn't that some sixty five years or more?

Silence - befalls this home now - bare - the creaking of the gate
No more idle down song birds - as the evening draws to its fate

The old man - restful in his chair - the book between his hands
Memories forgotten - now remembered - now fully understands

His weary sunken eyes closing - they are about to open no more
Over the roof top and beyond the chestnut trees - a spirit soars

No more idle down song birds - as this evening draws to its fate
Silence - befalls this home now - bare - the creaking of the gate

Indiana Shaw . . . -_-


The Summer Holidays 

Sunday - Sunday and what a start to a beautiful day
The kids are on their summer holidays, hip ho hooray

I get time off work to look after the little blighters
Time to hide Grandpa’s cigars and all of his lighters

We all get to have late nights and well deserved lie ins
“Oh” how I love the summer holidays and how it all begins

Weather permitting we are all off to the nature reserve park
Even the dog is excited - as you cannot half hear him bark

Ice - creams and crisps and a large packet of gummy bears
Then all of the tantrums as none of them will learn to share

Us tripping home to the warmed up by the sun paddling pool
That will remove the mucky marks and help us all to keep cool

The summer weeks go by and all is still ok and looking good
A day trip out with the dog and kids we are off to the woods

Giggling and laughter - even a "eew" what the flippin' is that ?
Our Geraldine has just been bitten by some horrible little gnat

Laughter turns to tears as I drag them all home and off to bed
Was not to long they were all fast asleep and in the land of Z's

Last 2 weeks of the holidays and I am starting to feel the strain
My little angels have all turned into devils & starting to be a pain

I'm running out of things to entertain them, they begin to gripe
"Gawd" - Lord give me strength to make it through another night

The purse strings are getting tighter & the cupboard looking bare
Hubbies is off on his way to work & he just does not seem to care

I am now hidden in the out shed and having one of Grandpa’s cigars
While I am looking quite sickly into my mug of thick Yorkshire char

Mam, Mam the eldest child is banging frantically outside on the door
Annabelle is in the front garden and at the vicar she has just swore

Bessie is just stood there laughing her hair tangled up all in a mess
One trainer missing and an all mighty tear up one side of her dress

The neighbours are passing by nodding like to me it's all understood
The need in me to take the kids and go then to bury 'em in the woods

Today is the day and all the kids are ready to go back to their schools
Every one of them looking spotless and each looking no less than jewels

Bye - Bye my little poppets - love you - will miss you- kiss,kiss,kiss
Then the mad dash home to peace and quiet and - "Oh" the flippin' bliss

No children were hurt in the making of this poem - "Really" ; )

But I'm afraid some slugs were thanks to our Jack who got 'em in the neck *o*  
Indiana Shaw . . . (*-*)