Friday, 25 August 2017


Silence Befalls This Home Now

Looking through the bookshelves - a homemade book he chose
Trapped within the forgotten pages - he came upon a red rose

Flatten down with care - faded in colour - more so in its scent
Memories such of a time - so long ago - only to himself it lent

It came from a happy home - a home cherished - all with love
Every crevice packed with loving items - fitting all like a glove

A garden full of noises - the song birds they did forever sing
And on these evenings roll scents from the flowers often ling 

All crafted by a man to perfection - made to the one he loved
As to no other person - nor idol - to his love did he set above  

There was nothing he would not do - to him a toll well spent
To share with his fair maiden - who was to him - heaven sent

Their home a range of seductive aromas - a good woman baked 
The scent of fresh green grass - cut - he meaningful then raked

A garden and a home - once filled with laughing children galore
With hollow sadness wasn't that some sixty five years or more?

Silence - befalls this home now - bare - the creaking of the gate
No more idle down song birds - as the evening draws to its fate

The old man - restful in his chair - the book between his hands
Memories forgotten - now remembered - now fully understands

His weary sunken eyes closing - they are about to open no more
Over the roof top and beyond the chestnut trees - a spirit soars

No more idle down song birds - as this evening draws to its fate
Silence - befalls this home now - bare - the creaking of the gate

Indiana Shaw . . . -_-

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