Thursday, 30 November 2017





I never needed this God before to teach me on just how I should be good
Or any of the gospel books before I could even read in my own childhood

I was brought up as a child on my parent’s sound ethics and good morals
Not for me to steal - lie or shout or be lazy sitting about on my laurels

And then as we enter school we are then taught to lead your life rules
But when I attended religious class thought then are we just your fools

I had never heard so much crap in my life and it was all built upon a lie
So I then spent the rest of my time in class trying to figure out just why

The Scientifics of life was being used as some form of religious disguise
And be made to feed a so called God’s ego and make us all to him arise

Thus as to follow him as only and only then will our souls then be saved
That God is but just a monster whose real intentions are so so depraved

There will always be a good and a bad in life it is simply called yin and yang
It is not all about this so called God when you really start to understand

As It is your own good labour in life that rewards you all just as it should
And it is this evil God who reaps off you labours - if only you understood

Just how long have we been sacrificing virgins and our own children too
Because if we did not we would see the angry wrath that lies within you

What kind God demands all of this - before he will let your crops grow
God is all but a wife beater - who then apologizes before his next blow

As you will succumb to him in a dire hope he will just leave you all alone
And with it God takes away the real true happiness that you ever known

Then one day the rapture will come as you all run to gather on the hill
You to be God’s willing sacrifice as he then has you as his greatest kill

Then all the elites who are left standing will get to share out all the spoils
Of all your lifetime sweat and labour and a life time of unrequited toils

And there is nothing you can do about because it is written in the book
That has veered you from the true life’s road that you should have took

The book of Enoch explains to us all God will be saving the elite but why
The elites are far from pure their only intentions are there to survive

But something tells me here that they will be the real mugs in this game
When the real big bosses from the beyond will on them put their claim

And like the fools they are they have gathered all the worlds into one
Just to appease the outer God’s with intentions like they have all won

Least do they know they too are little more than pawns in a higher chain
And find it is was only their precious fortunes that they come to claim

Then find like all before them that their lives are not of any real worth
And that dreams of eternal life was all but a lie made up by the church

And it will in the end be indeed be the meek who will inherit this earth
With God thrown aside and using all the knowledge given to me by birth

And then make thanks and praises to my own God whoever that may be
That accepts my own real true worth and does not set out to punish me

My God was never born of evil - so there is no evil that needs erased
My God is of a good clean purity not like this one that is just so debased

Who set himself upon this earth and then used us all for own his mistake
For releasing the knowledge that for the world was too much to take

Then billions upon billions of people you have used to pay off your debt
Before we could hope to be free from the mistakes with us all you left

The story of the rapture is the just final of the people that you used
And not at all whether they are good enough the people are confused

It is a gathering of all the people’s energy to appease the God’s you owe
But none will ever realise until the God’s have made their final blow

Known as parallel lines of which of God - there is more than just you
Waiting in the side lines until this earth is totally rid of the Ashkenazi Jew

How guile of you to make this world believe that Jesus was your own son
Then have us all believe in all the stories with all the lies that you spun

No God sends his own son to be crucified on the a pretence of ill worth
And you are the true deceiver here who wanted him erased off this earth

Have you any explanation because of his death Christianity was then born
Was it not was the Jews who were looked upon as yours I could have sworn

Was this not just egotistical act of step me above me and I will make you pay
And the Jews being of a more clever nature who you then set about to slay

“Oh” there is nothing quite like a God that has been scorned is that not true
So you threw upon this earth the commendation of being known as Jew

Who had then set out for themselves to earn themselves quite a few bob
Leaving you just a little short changed of the coffers you intended to rob

Woe betide those eh - so you sent them out to the four corners of the earth
Left to walk again in the wilderness to be then forever under a curse

There can be nothing worse than to have a reign of people cleverer than you
Whose only guilt upon this earth is killing Jesus Christ who himself was a Jew

Yet oddly for all their exile have now about married into every house name
And have actually strengthen their power with just about everything to gain

Keeping all the coffers to themselves with no taxes to you as God ever paid
With the idea of gathering the entire half breed Jews up a hill to be played

So here is the dilemma who is playing who here as contradictions are rife
And just who is it you really prepared to give the promise to of eternal life

Those who gather upon the hill are nothing more than your human sacrifice
While the Jews remain buried within the earth waiting for you God to expire

As it is you is it not God who is really cursed and was left to roam this earth
Until the debt that you to the higher ones than you have been reimbursed

The Jews being of a higher intelligence were never prepared to pay your debt
So in fact leaving you to roam this earth in a living hell worse than death

If you had remained in totally control by now would have left this mortal coil
Instead you had to remain with the blood of your mistakes within the soil

With even the putting down of all ones weapons and surviving nature toll
And nations joining hands with one currency and one religion to enthrall

The first sign of the devil is already with us as bar codes on goods abound
The system that has control of so much it will for most more than astound

We on your behalf willing or unwilling are already carrying your sin 666 sign
Through media and commutations you continue to make us all remain blind

But more is yet to come as we stand and watch the 8th head of the beast fall
The 7th being the British Empire whose reign had control the biggest of all

As we remain as the fools of nations under the fake and false prophet rule
It is such an easy game with you so far away that their fake lies they can fuel

To you that one thousand years is but a day as within another galaxy you lie
Not to return until most nations are left upon this earth to lie down and die

Leaving a message to all to propagate so there will some to collect in the end
This fight in life is not about one God but many whose ranks want to ascend

So just who are the good God’s when it is you that wants to start the wars
That will in the end will wipe out nations and it people in millions score

Then choose of those remaining with or without any religion just who is pure
To then create a newer life where those who remain will peace ensure

Just another life where the people of the earth are under your command
To be lifted upon a ghostly ship into another universe as your master plan

I care not much for this world so why should I be then interested in yours
Like your heavenly abode is the true answer to all of these worlds ill cures

Do I want to be one of yours knowing it is you only that then has made me
Who can into this world an innocent to be contaminated by your own disease   

No one destroyed me from my pureness expect the evil ones spoored by you
Then you beckon us with all your lies that in the Gospel books you do spew

I am a person of freedom that does not mean that I am born bad or mean
I will died unready as you readily so claim but from you I will be then clean

I believe in Jesus but I do not believe in you it is not you I ask forgiveness
For I have not in my heart done anything that was wrong as my own witness

I come from a world where there is no one that is in control or under rule
Who put fears into others and whose judgement are nothing short of cruel

I will be of a world of such intelligence that we to others we never do wrong
Our crops will grow without feeding some cynical God whose pains prolong

I will not be kneeling down to anyone other than my own non egotistical God
The only repentance I will be asking for is being forced to believe in this sod

That I could never be allowed to live upon this earth with no bad intention
Before being brain washed of this God who intervened with his own invention

I was born happy living within my own backyard it is my will that here I remain
And not up beyond in another universe that maintains I stay under your reign

I am a true child of this planet earth and seek not your - heavenly rebirth
Where I can work on my own labours and be merited by my own self worth

Not in a world where my happiness depends on feeding your own narcissism
Which seems to be nothing more than just another form of your own racism

This earth will repair itself and a new world will by our own labours be reborn
Past the wars - natural disasters - the chemicals I will walk the fields of corn

Night looking up to the stars hoping that God will not upon this earth return
Holy books that remain to be gathered into a pile for the rest of us to burn

Of a God who used us all to gather all the precious elements of this earth
Under the banner that without those such elements you are of no worth

There seems to be a case of parallel lines whist writing the holy bible book
One God who wanted to give to us all and another who only from you took

Let this false God take his bride and hopefully never on this earth return
Those who remain rewriting the books for our children from them to learn

There are people who fear me as I am prepared to go into the depths of hell
With my strong beliefs of ridding myself from this such unholy God’s Spell

Whose only aim is collecting only the very best for his kingdom up in the skies
While leaving the mothers of their stolen babies with only their woeful cries

To which I am left thinking here reminiscing that all that glitters is not gold
And the thought of ascending into your heavenly reign leaves my blood cold

So collect your diamonds and all your gold until this earth you do deplete
Never will I bow in your unholy presence nor will I kneel to kiss your feet

If there is such a thing as a reward from God it is to remain upon this earth
And rid it from the evil that only you placed upon it with your unholy curse

The only forgiveness I will asking for - is for is the ignorance I had in you
Allowed to restart my life without the God who came to this earth to abuse

It is not Lucifer or Satan who is to blame here they only opened up our eyes
To an even more of a demon that behind the scriptures filled us all with lies

And with jealousies that was so cleverly under others were so be disguised
Only a fool would follow you on a pretence it is where their happiness lies

Narcissism is a terrible a thing made even worst if one inflicts on others pain
To keep them in your rightful place and as subdued people within your reign

Used tales of the planets natural movements and its effects upon this earth
Scare the living day lights out of folk let them think they were under a curse

To collect the world’s precious resources with a view that you will reimburse
Little do they know it is only the elite to which God will only then converse

And the so called marriage of the church will be held behind closed doors
While the rest of you are just left crying and weeping outside in your scores

What then as you then trapped between this heaven and your planet earth
It is only then you will come to the realisation your prayers were of no worth

His angels will rip the gold from off your fingers and from around your necks
Thrown down into the pits of eternal hell with no more than a what the ‘eck

To be eaten by other demons that he subdues with the eating of your flesh
Who care not of your screams or of the pain while your bodies thresh

As I say you can take your chances on earth we will never hear yours screams
While those of us left upon this earth will try and start to rebuild our dreams

With a more less materialist God who really has only all our interests at heart
Who with our understanding stood back from all of this because he’s smart

Who never made demands but just watched as this world then all fell apart
Who on his own bended knees will start rebuilding this land with a new heart

Who left a seed within us all that this time would be one day be overcome
As we are left with rejoicing and dance again to the beat of our own drum

As there is more than one God please chose yours with the upmost of care
It could make the difference between heaven on earth or you lot up there

Indiana Shaw . . . (*-*)

Saturday, 25 November 2017



Just what is all of this if you follow God you will have eternal life
What makes you think I want to return to all this trouble & strife

And those who heed not will be once you are gone you are gone
Those of you who think I want to be reborn have got it so wrong

Life will never change it is all the same in its trouble and its wars
We already have the answers but does anyone change the score

You think I’m returning just for me to take another round of shit
Come back to hear you say stick with it - in the end it will be bliss

If life was so bloody perfect I would be more than flipping bored
With us just standing round with no end to this life’s mortal cord

If you lived forever - there will be a time you’ve walked all paths
Watched all the blood shed and happiness you know never lasts

I am quite happy to leave me and leave all you towns to be burnt
Not one of you deserve to live not from the lessons I have learnt

I’m sorry but I never came into this world just so I had to survive
Whilst all those in power make life hard then watch you all strive

This is not living - it is not true democracy who ever told you that
Whilst collecting all your coffers and then feeding all you on crap

Did those forty years in the wilderness do Moses really any good ?
Died before he had a chance to live it - but then I knew he would

God and all the powers to be are just living off our weakness see
It is not plain narcissism that he wants you all down on one knee

There are those who will break their backs and in the end no gain
That’s just the psychotic God as he continues to feed of your pain

On a promise of enlightenment well I have got that that’s for sure
No - I am coming back no more - because I know the bloody score

There Is Life Beyond Death - Just Without No God   

Indiana Shaw . . .