Saturday, 25 November 2017



Just what is all of this if you follow God you will have eternal life
What makes you think I want to return to all this trouble & strife

And those who heed not will be once you are gone you are gone
Those of you who think I want to be reborn have got it so wrong

Life will never change it is all the same in its trouble and its wars
We already have the answers but does anyone change the score

You think I’m returning just for me to take another round of shit
Come back to hear you say stick with it - in the end it will be bliss

If life was so bloody perfect I would be more than flipping bored
With us just standing round with no end to this life’s mortal cord

If you lived forever - there will be a time you’ve walked all paths
Watched all the blood shed and happiness you know never lasts

I am quite happy to leave me and leave all you towns to be burnt
Not one of you deserve to live not from the lessons I have learnt

I’m sorry but I never came into this world just so I had to survive
Whilst all those in power make life hard then watch you all strive

This is not living - it is not true democracy who ever told you that
Whilst collecting all your coffers and then feeding all you on crap

Did those forty years in the wilderness do Moses really any good ?
Died before he had a chance to live it - but then I knew he would

God and all the powers to be are just living off our weakness see
It is not plain narcissism that he wants you all down on one knee

There are those who will break their backs and in the end no gain
That’s just the psychotic God as he continues to feed of your pain

On a promise of enlightenment well I have got that that’s for sure
No - I am coming back no more - because I know the bloody score

There Is Life Beyond Death - Just Without No God   

Indiana Shaw . . .

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