"Bashar" al Assad has claimed to have cleared the Haffa area of terrorists (Rebels) they upped their boots and left in the Middle of the night and with no news yet of a massacre what is this now telling us? It is as yet far too early to comment but could it just be that where there are no rebels, there will be no massacre ? We wait and see, there is the logic that "Bashar" al Assad may well have a plan given most of the action that is now happening is based around areas north, south and east of kardaha, Latakia to which is the base to "Bashar" al Assad and the rest of in the minority Alawites ? And that the recent massacres are in fact nothing more than an ethnic cleansing program of the areas that surround "Bashar" Al Assad and his other fellow Alawites thus creating a buffer zone for himself and others in the minority Alawites and in the end creating another Bosnia? With advise coming from Iran I am sure on just how to go about it !
In that case could the latest claims that the massacres could have been committed by other Alawites and members of the Shabihi ? This in its self leaving a deadly message to other Sunni’s in the area ?
We know we are not dealing with an insane man here “Bashar” al Assad is far from it, in creating a stronghold around a given section of Latikia given it is home to some 2.5 million people of mixed religions some 12% being from the Alawite sect and has its own port he can in fact split off in a good old Yugoslav style from the rest of Syria and be quite happy, a ruler of his own kind as his days seem to be numbered in trying to rule and control the whole of Syria under an Alawite regime anymore.
There is a lot to be considered here in the late 1920’ and 30’s Latikia was once a separate state under French rule ! prior to this Syria was under the rule of the Otterman Empire and had been since the 1600’s the Otterman Empire was brought down and Syria was put under control by the British and the French, in 1920 it became the Arab Kingdom of Syria under King Faizal who later became king of Iraq, mind he did not last long and in basis Syria was put under French Mandate till the Syrian revolted in 1925, nice one France and may we remind you of just how you retaliated to the Syrian resistance well check your history because you and dear old “Bashar” al Assad seem to have quite a lot in common and more ! In 1938 a treaty of independence was set up to no avail, with Hashim al Atassi being elected as the first president to be elected under the Syrian new constitution.
But France did not stick with the deal, out of the 40 seats allocated of the provincial assembly 9 of those were in fact given to the Alawites! but it was not until the 1946 that Syria were free from the French and attained sovereignty under the control of a republican government that had been formed during the French mandate, so from there on to the time of Hafez al Assad poor old Syria had been besieged with coup after coup, but it was with only its own interest that Syria found itself up against.
1) The dear old British wanting to remain in it control to counter Russians influence and to protect its own oil interests, Syria as it stands today is due to run out of being oil independent as early as 2015.
2) The Israelis interest in Palestine.
3) France trying to remain a power within the Middle East.
So there you have it quite an ordeal for Syria by all accounts.
Always backwards to go forwards here the Baa’th Party created around the 1940’s by a Michel Aflag (Salah Al din al Bitar) and Zaki al Arsuzi amalgamating with the Arab Baa’th movement and the Arab Baa’th and the Arab Socialist Baa’th Party merged with the Arab Socialist Party within other Arab states, A Party born maybe with the best of intent just wanting Arab nations to unite and reject western influence and was in 1954 the 2nd largest party in the parliamentary elections ! Added with the aid and strength of the Syrian Communist Party brought about the (UAR) the United Arab Republic, but was not to be and after another coup was dissolved in 1961, but what does have to be noted here whilst under the (UAR) the Baa’th Party was taken over by military activists who had created the Military Committee and who had taken the Baa’th Party out of control of civilian hands !
Both civilian and military sides of the Baa’th Party clashed which resulted in 1966 of yet another coup that was brought on by military Salid Jalid and the dear “Bashar” al Assads father Hafez al Assad which at the same time split the Baa’th Party into two factions the Iraq Baa’th Movement and the Syrian Baa’th Movement, the ideology of the Neo age Baa’th Party has to be read and understood to see how it ended where it is today !
Even If dear old “Bashar” al Assad was to leave Syria today with his bags ever so nicely packed Syria would still have to contend with the ever so tight knit secret world of the Baa’th Party and may I add its other numerous secret police!
1970 and yet another coup ousting Salid Jahid and brings in the dear old “Bashar” al Assad's father into play Hafez al Assad and into play he did for another 29 years . . .
Gen. Hafez al Assad did his job as an underdog Alawite only could, he ousted out just about everyone he could lay his hands on and turned the Baa’th Party on its head and just about everyone of that meagre 12% Alawite tribe got themselves all the top jobs with total loyalty to their new leader guaranteed . . .
Nice one Hafez.
What is an Alawite (Alawis) Are a sect founded by Ibn Nusair (Nusair) A strange one as little knowledge is truly known of the Alawites, but in basis Shi’a believe in the 12 Imams (Caliphs) Hassan-al Askari being the 11th and it he along with his pupil Ibn Nusair who the Alawites hold in esteem, but very little is known about the true beliefs of the Alwites where the sect is primary Syrian only and are quite secretive, to make matters worse in basis shi’as don’t believe Alwites as Shi’as, so great, Shi’as believe that the Imams should be successor by birth from the linear the Phophet Muhammed (PUBH) but there were exceptions ! And as Shi’as believe in taqiya the art of disguise should he feel under any form of threat, “We smile in the face of some people but in our hearts we curse them” Two faced we call it ! So in basis you never really know where you are with one, but to know this as prior is to accept it as it is ! . . . .
The sad thing is that on the last day in which the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) took ill and before passing away he did not as far as we know leave any indication as to who the Muslims could look to as their Caliph or Imam, it is from this day of his death that Shi’ites were created (Party of Ali) Shi’a simple means the Party or group of followers, the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) closest and dearest friend was Ali, instead this went to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) father-in-law Abu Bakr, there are reasons for this which you may or may not agree on! But Shi’ites are strong believers that Ali should have been the Caliph by Allah divine right over Abu Bakr, you could even say that politics won out here in what was considered to be in the best interests of Islam and its teaching and the Arab tribesmen who were just a little more than worried that it would end up within just one sect of dear old Ali’s tribe, or just who ever got the job got to line his and his family own pockets ! If there was any injustice to be found it is the way the Caliph was chosen it was because it was done behind closed doors without Ali’s or others attendance, Ali was after all the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) most closest, trusted and dearest friend and had accompany him on all his travels, Abu Bakr who in fact became the 1st Caliph was the father to Aisha the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) most loved wife and most suited by the Arab tribesmen leaders.
Shi’ites will say that after the last pilgrimage the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) ordered the gathering of Muslims at the pond of Khumm and declared Ali as his next successor !
Sunni’s say different so with that the great divide commenced . . .
For whatever reasons and there are many Ali did not succeed till after the the death of the 3rd Caliph Uthman, Ali then became the 4th Caliph (Khalifa) after the death of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) So Shi’ites practice all of Islam but with the added belief that Ali should have been the 1st Caliph after the death of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) by divine right set by Allah !
According to 12th Shi’a, Mahdi was the son to the 11th Imam Hassan al-Askari who disappeared after his fathers death and will one day return to aid in Jesus's fight against the antichrist and bring peace to the world !
To an 12th Shi'ite Mahdi will return to apply a true Islamic state and apply the true Islamic laws as disclosed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) So Hassan al-Askari the 11th Imam of the last 12 Imams and Mahdi his son the final Imam so hence the name 12th Shi’a !
And it is with this that the story of Syria's history is about to be played as it is prophesied that one day Syria will be destroyed then broken up and then with it the destruction of America . . . .
Many believe that in this modern day that president of America Barack Obama is in fact Mahdi (As he is black with Hassein as his middle name and many believe to be Muslim) . . . . !
While others on the other hand think he is the bloody Antichrist . . . . !
All remains to be seen as there is supposed to be alot more to the story before the antichrist shows himself as the antichrist . . . . !
So back to dear old Bashar” al Assad father Hafez al Assad and Syria . . .
So the I am sick of us Alawites being the underdog here Hafez al Assad is having his day and had just about got an Alawite in every top position he could muster, but lets not knock him just yet, he did after all bring stability to Syria after decades of coups and it has almost become a fashion accessory more bloody coups ! He consolidated central government, brought in equal status for women, oil was found with some of the revenue returned back into Syria’s infrastructure, education, hospitals and the such like ! But I might add it all ends there dear old Hafez al Assad sits right on top of the Christmas tree in his repression of the Syrian people, with his influence and control of the dreaded Baa’th Party and the military, he has against him all the usual list of crimes against humanity on a grand scale, “Massacre” must have been his middle name and he put the likes of Saddam Hussein in the shade.
With Rifaat al-Assad younger brother to Hafez massacre of Hama in 1982 of thousands of people as his claim in the game. . . .
Syria has just not seen any peace for a long long time, if ever . . .
It has been 42 years now that Syria has been under the Alawite Assad family rule and all’s fair to say enough is enough, time this lot were kicked out of power, I would say kicking “Bashar” al Assad out even if it is just to the likes his own quarter of Syria and you might find this is what is worrying the likes of US and the rest of the world, “Bashar” al Assad in its own quarters and with a shipping port to boot and the Russians still supporting him and sitting hand in hand with Iran, doesn’t bare thinking about, still it remains to be seen . . .
Just what did prevent the imminent massacre at Hama, what games are being played here ? “Bashar” al Assad says the rebel freedom fighters are the ones responsible for the latest massacres in Hama and Houla with no freedom fighters in the province of Haffa has either side played a trump card here ? Without the rebels there “Bashar” al Assad Shabihi men are in no position to come out to play and “Bashar” al Assad cannot get on with any hopes of ethnic cleansing and we can blame it on the rebels ! But with “Bashar” al Assad looking the victor here now, how sweet his military has just gone in and saved the lives of all those people ! The rebels on the other hand if it remains to be seen are using the cover of military bombardments to slaughter men, women and the blessed children well that can no longer be done either, whatever it may look as if a whole lot of lives have been saved ! The rebels also are the victors here have they at last came to their senses ? That where ever they are the military follow and with both teams in the ball park at the same time with no lights on, who is to say who did what ? yes we can all speculate but after the given history of one’s own father it is also very easy to create effects that blames the other party, for petty sake it does not even have to be rebels or “Bashar” al Assad it just so easy to say it, is it not ? (CIA) . . .
It looks like forever that I am giving the rebel freedom fighters a hard time well in truth I am, two wrongs do not make a right, pick a gun up and you give the oppression the right to use a gun too, Egypt did not pick up arms in its fight to bring down a repressive dictator and yes people still died but it was nothing in comparison to the amount of people who are dying in Syria today . . .
The US does not like the likes of Russia being the supporter in any way and Syria does have the support of Russia and have so for a long time . . .
Today the UN have now entered the province of Haffa but are unsure of what has happened there ! It has been hit by heavy bombardment but this was to be expected whist the rebels were in effect still in town, the few people that can be found will not talk about what has happened there ! What is it that fears the people of Haffa to talk ? Did in fact the masacre go ahead and was cleared up by Assads military before the UN could enter Haffa ? Yes we can again speculate can’t we ? But in the end do any of us really have the answer ?
Amazing just how far events can go and its all stop to see what happens next ! So while we are all waiting lets think on to just why did the rebels really give up on Haffa and where have all those bloody rebels got to now ?
Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;