Friday, 29 June 2012


The turning point, dear old “Bashar” al Assad has managed to diplomatically talk his way out of just about everything under the sun here and the world has been seen as unable to do anything I say seen as under cover who knows what has really been going on in regards of arming the rebels ? No matter what has happened and the countless deaths by massacre of men, women and children the worlds hands have been tied, the imminent massacre of Haffa seems to have been a turning point here with the rebels moving out !

What has happened since Haffa ? Well the tactics seemed to have changed a lttle and we are now hearing what we should have been hearing from the start the rebels are now concentrating their efforts into “Bashar” al Assad’s strongholds and with this the story changes with dear old (I’m so offended) “Bashar” al Assad now declaring Syria is at war !

With this change in tactics which before we could have been looking at a diplomatic exile or step-down of Bashar” al Assad, it now looks as if, if it continues to be a long drawn out war based against "Bashar” al Assad and his military might it’s self within their own provinces, if only the rebels had the brains just to continue to concentrate their efforts on not maintaining their own strongholds of their own provinces but concentrate on only going for ”Bashar” al Assad himself and his military members !

It is at this time there will be no holds barred or even guilt to arming the rebels freedom fighters whereas before the guilt that was carried was a guilt that just everyone carried on the grounds that arming the rebels freedom fighters resulted in the just so many deaths of innocent men, women and children where ever the rebels where held out ! Since when has that been a war ?

Propaganda is rife as to who is actually doing what ! Remembering this is a hard cruel world where dirty tactics can be played by all and I say all ! But if all the rebels freedom fighters were to gather together with a view of concentrating only into going for Bashar” al Assad the I am sure the world will just stand by with a blind eye and let them get on with it . . .

It seems “Bashar” al Assad has played just about every diplomatic card there is in the pack here and nothing in that department seem to be getting any better !

We have Russia doing its best to find away to suit only themselves and getting "Bashar" al Assad to somewhat way to stay in some kind of power !

We have heard of military defections but not enough at the moment to make any differences, but we will hear more I am sure once the military are made to made to realise (Which they surely will) this is no longer a fight that can be hidden under the name of terrorism but an all and all fight to get “Bashar” al Assad and his beloved and loyal military men it’s self . . .

This in its self would change the whole status quo within Syria and after recent events would the world even care ?

Turkey is a county in waiting, waiting for what ? To see if it’s fighter plane was shot down in Syrian waters as the “Bashar’s al Assad military say !

No matter what the real facts are or for whatever reasons a Turkish military plane was claimed to be flying fast and low within Syria waters still remains to be seen !

The facts remain that the world leaders and some of them have shown quite provability have put the pressure on Bashar” al Assad, with dear old peace keeper Kofi Annan trying just about every diplomatic way in which to bring an end to this conflict with “Bashar” al Assad not chosing to listen and we may add neither did the rebels, with the added we need proof there could be no change to the whole drawn out issue that remain in Syria.

I for one could see something in the fact the rebels chose to withdraw from Haffa, but as to whether it did in the end prevent a massacre remains to be seen ? The inside word is NO !

But since this event the tactics are changing, news we now hear is of attacks nearer to were Bashar” al Assad strongholds are and this is the tactics the rebels freedom fighters should have been using in the first place after all is their fight not with Bashar” al Assad himself.

The world has watched, heard and stood by but unable to do very little as each side threw the blame onto each other ! With the word terrorist brought into every conflicting issue by "Bashar" al Assad, the idea that the rebels freedom fighters only concentrate on getting Bashar” al Assad himself no longer adds to the word terrorists and as far as I am concerned it is a “Bashar al Assad’s fight win or lose the idea of arming the rebels freedom fighters steps up, we are no longer in fear of arming terrorists but hopefully genuine freedom fighters (Oh Libya you cry) Yes I hear it, it is a fact and also sadly going to be very true if a solution is not found somewhere in the near future . . .

But the fact is by concentrating on where “Bashar” al Assad really is turns the military into having to concentrate to where all the action is, thus lessening the chances of more massacres in what were other rebel held provinces !

After all if the rebels were to concentrate in puttig some effort in to weaken dear old Bashar” al Assad strongholds provinces would the military be found to be massacring their own lot ?

If “Bashar” al Assad is the man you want I suggest you only concentrate on getting him and him alone, the rest will break down over time as more military to save their own skins defect (Unlike Libya no one is calling this lot heroes) and even as a still long drawn process, progress will be made . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Sunday, 24 June 2012


Has government leader David Cameron totally lost his marbles ? In his attempt to draw in more yet more money to help recover the national debt he has now drummed up a hair brain scheme to take away housing benefits from the under 25’s with idea of pushing the those who are unemployed into work, the very same people who from the ages of 16 to 18 receive just a meagre £3.68 a hour minimum wage and 18 to 21 year olds just a mere £4.98 a hour, with apprentices receiving a meagre £2.90 a hour, so just how he expecting these youngsters to pay for their own room rental which on average cost about £90 a week, let alone live ? Maybe he is hoping of forcing the younger generation into staying at home when governments have over the decades have broken down the whole moral idea of what family structure is all about !

There is nothing wrong with re-hauling the benefits system where we have people living at others expense decades on unemployment benefits with no view of finding work, but why are we hitting on the young and vulnerable who are the very people who need help ?

Are we seeing any moves to remove benefits from self inflicted illnesses such as known alcoholics and drug users ? Who are quite happy to enjoy their self inflicted abuses at our expense !

The benefits system does needs work on it, in fairness all of us even those on benefits would say this, to tell youngsters we are doing this in your best interests is all well and good, but what message is it giving out to our youngsters ? Where we have governments who states it wants to prompt our youngsters into learning that leaving school and allowing themselves to fall into the benefit trap is over, sure we can see where that is going ! But what of the social system that puts pressure on youngsters to leave home at such an early age, homeless and forced into unhappy jobs at £3.68 with no hope of any decent housing, I only just see a higher rate in disillusionment for these very same youngsters ?

I would say the government seems to be spending all of its time giving our younger generations a whole sense of hopelessness of a life that seems impossible to me, our youngsters should be promoted, giving reason, hope, but what are they getting instead ?

How are we rewarding, promoting and giving a youngster self esteem when we afford them a meagre £2.90 to fulfil an youngsters apprentice’s dream of becoming a fully skilled person ?

Why does the same government who seems to think that these very same youngsters who should show an adult like responsibility by paying their way in the world are rewarded only peanuts ? Would it not be better to put that extra amount of money that we as a nation are paying in housing benefits to those youngsters who may well turn to crime on the streets, the damage we may inflict on them as some of them turn to drink or drugs and not to mention the mental effect this may well have on them by just giving them a better wage to fulfil our dear government wishes ? Just one suicidal youngster would be in my eyes considered a crime against the government who in my eyes have not really thought this out !

So Mr David Cameron did you even make sure there was enough jobs for each and every youngster to whom you are hoping of making homeless before you made up this yet another hair brain scheme I ask you ?

1.8 Billion in housing benefits could well be better spent giving these very same youngsters into supporting employers to take on these very same youngsters who you begrudging for being victims of a system you as the government have made and therefore should be taking the blame . . .

As an afterthought why not stop housing benefit for anyone over the ages of 21 and of and up to a pensionable age thus giving the youngsters a chance to get on their feet and set an affordable rent limit on properties for the rest of us then there wouldn't be a need for housing benefit in the first place, thus showing the whole country how we can be of a better moral background of becoming a no state country whilst still being there for the ones who really do need it . . . ?

I also for one believe that if we did not employ a system that rewards young single mums by giving them money and a house for free, would it not be actually a much better deterrent to prevent having sex out of marriage and bring the responsibility of a load of waywards fathers into account and make walking away from marriage more questionable ! For those who do continue to flaut the basic moral laws should be made to seek charitable help rather than be paid for from the hard earned money of the already over taxed tax payer . . . 

Employers could be made to ask if employees wish to pay a voluntary contibution from their wages at an amount only agreed by the employee to UK based only charitys, to aid in the many aspects of peoples lives that do need genuine help . . .

Costs to the N.H.S could be dropped considerably if the likes of peoples who could be proven to show they suffer from self inflicted illnesses from the likes of smoking, drinking and drugs were made to pay something to wards the costs of their treatment, (Shock if not all) All people in sports and the like, make it compulsory their membership to their giving club was to include insurance for injuries, we can as the unemployed quite happily pay insurance for our possessions but seldom think about what is most important to us which is our health !

Do we really need a free for all system ? Could we not, just as the benefit system says that people on a low or no wage income who cannot afford to pay towards costs say those that can should be made to be insured as compulsion, thus helping the system to work towards those who really need it ? As of now we have a system that is free to all thus creating a system that is under funded and over worked !

Should we be paying towards catering our now binge drinking society who have no regards to the public, police, hospitals, nurses and the councils who have to clear up the mess ? Should anyones name be found in the system being there from the likes of a drink or drugs not be made to pay more than they do now for taking up the time and effort of the much needed police, doctors and nurses eg: much more heavier fines than they pay now ?

It seem to me as if councils are so willing to give absorbent fines for just parking in a no parking space or dropping litter on our streets more effort should be giving to someone is so out of control as to puke all over our pavements after a night out on the beer, not to mention the costs we then as tax payers pay out to early morning council street cleaners, I do not see any night wardens covering that little lot while dropping their kebab and wrappings all over our streets, maybe they are just to scared to confront  our over aggressive we help make them with no respect for authority youngsters ? 

Maybe the money that could saved could maybe used towards one or two financial accountants advisers with a hope of teaching our future governments and MP's that the revenue received by enabling such damaging activities as wayward drinking caused by open to all hours pubs and clubs with a whole range of easy to get to drinks in our supermarkets  outweights the costs that we then have to pay out to repair all those broken souls, do we not as a nation have a moral obligation to all to say there is fun and there is fun ? Where is it fun to see our youngsters near death from a no limit drinking session and then there is the long term effects, all in all costing the nation more than it was worth in revenue, nothing in this world will stop a person from becoming a drunk, a drug addict, a single mum, homeless or a criminal, but why do we as a society have a one in all in attitude that opens the door and creates more ! Then left to wonder where did it all go wrong and then find ourselves burdened with the cost ? 

Hell no lets just kick all the youngsters out of having a roof over their head that should help to pay towards the costs eh ?

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Friday, 22 June 2012


So if there is any moral injustice to be found in Jimmy Carr's totally legit tax invasion it is that it has been brought to the fore by the government leader David Cameron, it is this very same government leader that seems to be is totally unwilling to talk about (I’m right in with the royal circle now) Gary Barlow of the group “Take That” who was recently given the O.B.E. by the Queen also evades paying full tax using the very same K.2 tax avoidance scheme ? I just think it is morally unjust to name the one and then just leave that one person to carry the can of public opinion when other noted people that are using the very same K.2 tax avoidance scheme are quite in my view being protected by what seems to be a very self righteous government for doing the very same thing ! As to the moral ground of Jimmy Carr what did he do that was so wrong ? The scheme in its self is quite legal unlike claiming un-legit expenses that many government officials and MP’s have been known over the years to claim, but hey it is case of who you know and not what you know ! Will we be receiving such a heartfelt apology from the dear old Gary Barlow ? I very much doubt it . . .

But just in case he was ever to do so, well maybe he could put it into a song and try and make up on some of that tax he would be forced to pay up . . .

Ain’t life a bitch ?

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Monday, 18 June 2012


Only expected results from both Greece & Egypt here, but in all not the true answers for both sides, others may have sighed in relief at Greece's decision to remain with the euro bail out, Germany must be looking forward to giving Greece more money to what is a road to nowhere ! No matter how hard it may have been  for Greece its economy had in reality a more economic future to look forward to by returning to the Drachma no matter how long it took ! As it stands now it is still under austerity measures to where ? Did just one country say thanks to Greece no they just sighed a sigh of relief as their own countries were bailed out of their own economic bleak future and not even one ounce of lee-way for the poor old Greeks ! As for Egypt what can you say of a military who at that last minute threw in its own set of rules ? While its country is in crisis afforded themselves a nice pay rise and their jobs guaranteed for life to boot ! So you may have won but silently we are the ones in control, they have afforded themselves powers to initiate legislation, control of the budget, appoint their own panel to draft a new constitutional and to postpone any new elections until a new constitution is approved as only suited to themselves ! But most important it strips the president any authority over the army, military coup in the making sly but not totally unexpected, progress for Greece, progress for Egypt still remains to be seen ! Only time will tell just how both governments cope with a

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *-*

Thursday, 14 June 2012


"Bashar" al Assad has claimed to have cleared the Haffa area of terrorists (Rebels) they upped their boots and left in the Middle of the night and with no news yet of a massacre what is this now telling us? It is as yet far too early to comment but could it just be that where there are no rebels, there will be no massacre ? We wait and see, there is the logic that "Bashar" al Assad may well have a plan given most of the action that is now happening is based around areas north, south and east of kardaha, Latakia to which is the base to "Bashar" al Assad and the rest of in the minority Alawites ? And that the recent massacres are in fact nothing more than an ethnic cleansing program of the areas that surround "Bashar" Al Assad and his other fellow Alawites thus creating a buffer zone for himself and others in the minority Alawites and in the end creating another Bosnia? With advise coming from Iran I am sure on just how to go about it !

In that case could the latest claims that the massacres could have been committed by other Alawites and members of the Shabihi ? This in its self leaving a deadly message to other Sunni’s in the area ?

We know we are not dealing with an insane man here “Bashar” al Assad is far from it, in creating a stronghold around a given section of Latikia given it is home to some 2.5 million people of mixed religions some 12% being from the Alawite sect and has its own port he can in fact split off in a good old Yugoslav style from the rest of Syria and be quite happy, a ruler of his own kind as his days seem to be numbered in trying to rule and control the whole of Syria under an Alawite regime anymore.

There is a lot to be considered here in the late 1920’ and 30’s Latikia was once a separate state under French rule ! prior to this Syria was under the rule of the Otterman Empire and had been since the 1600’s the Otterman Empire was brought down and Syria was put under control by the British and the French, in 1920 it became the Arab Kingdom of Syria under King Faizal who later became king of Iraq, mind he did not last long and in basis Syria was put under French Mandate till the Syrian revolted in 1925, nice one France and may we remind you of just how you retaliated to the Syrian resistance well check your history because you and dear old “Bashar” al Assad seem to have quite a lot in common and more ! In 1938 a treaty of independence was set up to no avail, with Hashim al Atassi being elected as the first president to be elected under the Syrian new constitution.

But France did not stick with the deal, out of the 40 seats allocated of the provincial assembly 9 of those were in fact given to the Alawites! but it was not until the 1946 that Syria were free from the French and attained sovereignty under the control of a republican government that had been formed during the French mandate, so from there on to the time of Hafez al Assad poor old Syria had been besieged with coup after coup, but it was with only its own interest that Syria found itself up against.

1) The dear old British wanting to remain in it control to counter Russians influence and to protect its own oil interests, Syria as it stands today is due to run out of being oil independent as early as 2015.

2) The Israelis interest in Palestine.

3) France trying to remain a power within the Middle East.

So there you have it quite an ordeal for Syria by all accounts.

Always backwards to go forwards here the Baa’th Party created around the 1940’s by a Michel Aflag (Salah Al din al Bitar) and Zaki al Arsuzi amalgamating with the Arab Baa’th movement and the Arab Baa’th and the Arab Socialist Baa’th Party merged with the Arab Socialist Party within other Arab states, A Party born maybe with the best of intent just wanting Arab nations to unite and reject western influence and was in 1954 the 2nd largest party in the parliamentary elections ! Added with the aid and strength of the Syrian Communist Party brought about the (UAR) the United Arab Republic, but was not to be and after another coup was dissolved in 1961, but what does have to be noted here whilst under the (UAR) the Baa’th Party was taken over by military activists who had created the Military Committee and who had taken the Baa’th Party out of control of civilian hands !

Both civilian and military sides of the Baa’th Party clashed which resulted in 1966 of yet another coup that was brought on by military Salid Jalid and the dear “Bashar” al Assads father Hafez al Assad which at the same time split the Baa’th Party into two factions the Iraq Baa’th Movement and the Syrian Baa’th Movement, the ideology of the Neo age Baa’th Party has to be read and understood to see how it ended where it is today !

Even If dear old “Bashar” al Assad was to leave Syria today with his bags ever so nicely packed Syria would still have to contend with the ever so tight knit secret world of the Baa’th Party and may I add its other numerous secret police!

1970 and yet another coup ousting Salid Jahid and brings in the dear old “Bashar” al Assad's father into play Hafez al Assad and into play he did for another 29 years . . .

Gen. Hafez al Assad did his job as an underdog Alawite only could, he ousted out just about everyone he could lay his hands on and turned the Baa’th Party on its head and just about everyone of that meagre 12% Alawite tribe got themselves all the top jobs with total loyalty to their new leader guaranteed . . .

Nice one Hafez.

What is an Alawite (Alawis) Are a sect founded by Ibn Nusair (Nusair) A strange one as little knowledge is truly known of the Alawites, but in basis Shi’a believe in the 12 Imams (Caliphs) Hassan-al Askari being the 11th and it he along with his pupil  Ibn Nusair who the Alawites hold in esteem, but very little is known about the true beliefs of the Alwites where the sect is primary Syrian only and are quite secretive, to make matters worse in basis shi’as don’t believe Alwites as Shi’as, so great, Shi’as believe that the Imams should be successor by birth from the linear the Phophet Muhammed (PUBH)  but there were exceptions ! And as Shi’as believe in taqiya the art of disguise should he feel under any form of threat, “We smile in the face of some people but in our hearts we curse them” Two faced we call it ! So in basis you never really know where you are with one, but to know this as prior is to accept it as it is !  . . . .

The sad thing is that on the last day in which the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) took ill and before passing away he did not as far as we know leave any indication as to who the Muslims could look to as their Caliph or Imam, it is from this day of his death that Shi’ites were created (Party of Ali) Shi’a simple means the Party or group of followers, the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) closest and dearest friend was Ali, instead this went to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) father-in-law Abu Bakr, there are reasons for this which you may or may not agree on! But Shi’ites are strong believers that Ali should have been the Caliph by Allah divine right over Abu Bakr, you could even say that politics won out here in what was considered to be in the best interests of Islam and its teaching and the Arab tribesmen who were just a little more than worried that it would end up within just one sect of dear old Ali’s tribe, or just who ever got the job got to line his and his family own pockets ! If there was any injustice to be found it is the way the Caliph was chosen it was because it was done behind closed doors without Ali’s or others attendance, Ali was after all the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) most closest, trusted and dearest friend and had accompany him on all his travels, Abu Bakr who in fact became the 1st Caliph was the father to Aisha the Prophets Muhammed (PBUH) most loved wife and most suited by the Arab tribesmen leaders.

Shi’ites will say that after the last pilgrimage the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) ordered the gathering of Muslims at the pond of Khumm and declared Ali as his next successor !

Sunni’s say different so with that the great divide commenced . . .

For whatever reasons and there are many Ali did not succeed till after the the death of the 3rd Caliph Uthman, Ali then became the 4th Caliph (Khalifa) after the death of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) So Shi’ites practice all of Islam but with the added belief that Ali should have been the 1st Caliph after the death of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) by divine right set by Allah !

According to 12th Shi’a, Mahdi was the son to the 11th Imam Hassan al-Askari who disappeared after his fathers death and will one day return to aid in Jesus's fight against the antichrist and bring peace to the world !

To an 12th Shi'ite Mahdi will return to apply a true Islamic state and apply the true Islamic laws as disclosed to the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) So Hassan al-Askari the 11th Imam of the last 12 Imams and Mahdi his son the final Imam so hence the name 12th Shi’a !

And it is with this that the story of Syria's history is about to be played as it is prophesied that one day Syria will be destroyed then broken up and then with it the destruction of America . . . .

Many believe that in this modern day that president of America Barack Obama is in fact Mahdi (As he is black with Hassein as his middle name and many believe to be Muslim) . . . . ! 

While others on the other hand think he is the bloody Antichrist . . . . !

All remains to be seen as there is supposed to be alot more to the story before the antichrist shows himself as the antichrist . . . . !

So back to dear old Bashar” al Assad father Hafez al Assad and Syria . . .

So the I am sick of us Alawites being the underdog here Hafez al Assad is having his day and had just about got an Alawite in every top position he could muster, but lets not knock him just yet, he did after all bring stability to Syria after decades of coups and it has almost become a fashion accessory more bloody coups ! He consolidated central government, brought in equal status for women, oil was found with some of the revenue returned back into Syria’s infrastructure, education, hospitals and the such like ! But I might add it all ends there dear old Hafez al Assad sits right on top of the Christmas tree in his repression of the Syrian people, with his influence and control of the dreaded Baa’th Party and the military, he has against him all the usual list of crimes against humanity on a grand scale, “Massacre” must have been his middle name and he put the likes of Saddam Hussein in the shade.
With Rifaat al-Assad younger brother to Hafez massacre of Hama in 1982 of thousands of people as his claim in the game. . . .

Syria has just not seen any peace for a long long time, if ever . . .

It has been 42 years now that Syria has been under the Alawite Assad family rule and all’s fair to say enough is enough, time this lot were kicked out of power, I would say kicking “Bashar” al Assad out even if it is just to the likes his own quarter of Syria and you might find this is what is worrying the likes of US and the rest of the world, “Bashar” al Assad in its own quarters and with a shipping port to boot and the Russians still supporting him and sitting hand in hand with Iran, doesn’t bare thinking about, still it remains to be seen . . .

Just what did prevent the imminent massacre at Hama, what games are being played here ? “Bashar” al Assad says the rebel freedom fighters are the ones responsible for the latest massacres in Hama and Houla with no freedom fighters in the province of Haffa has either side played a trump card here ? Without the rebels there “Bashar” al Assad Shabihi men are in no position to come out to play and “Bashar” al Assad cannot get on with any hopes of ethnic cleansing and we can blame it on the rebels ! But with “Bashar” al Assad looking the victor here now, how sweet his military has just gone in and saved the lives of all those people ! The rebels on the other hand if it remains to be seen are using the cover of military bombardments to slaughter men, women and the blessed children well that can no longer be done either, whatever it may look as if a whole lot of lives have been saved ! The rebels also are the victors here have they at last came to their senses ? That where ever they are the military follow and with both teams in the ball park at the same time with no lights on, who is to say who did what ? yes we can all speculate but after the given history of one’s own father it is also very easy to create effects that blames the other party, for petty sake it does not even have to be rebels or “Bashar” al Assad it just so easy to say it, is it not ? (CIA) . . .

It looks like forever that I am giving the rebel freedom fighters a hard time well in truth I am, two wrongs do not make a right, pick a gun up and you give the oppression the right to use a gun too, Egypt did not pick up arms in its fight to bring down a repressive dictator and yes people still died but it was nothing in comparison to the amount of people who are dying in Syria today . . .

The US does not like the likes of Russia being the supporter in any way and Syria does have the support of Russia and have so for a long time . . .

Today the UN have now entered the province of Haffa but are unsure of what has happened there ! It has been hit by heavy bombardment but this was to be expected whist the rebels were in effect still in town, the few people that can be found will not talk about what has happened there ! What is it that fears the people of Haffa to talk ? Did in fact the masacre go ahead and was cleared up by Assads military before the UN could enter Haffa ? Yes we can again speculate can’t we ? But in the end do any of us really have the answer ?

Amazing just how far events can go and its all stop to see what happens next ! So while we are all waiting lets think on to just why did the rebels really give up on Haffa and where have all those bloody rebels got to now ?

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


As the attack on Haffa seems more imminent we can only wish her the best . . .

Sad is it not that we as the world can get news of just what is imminent but seem to be unable to prevent it, “Bashar” by name “Bashar” al-Assad by nature government forces have already closed in on the town of Haffa, although UN observers had been allowed to reach the last check point but they have considered to unsafe to enter, claiming their cars have been shot at and missiles of stones thrown at them, by whom ? These UN observers seem happy to declare enough is enough and civil war should now be declared officially . . .

What next with just about every government official, leader all having their verbal this is not Libya say in it all, finger pointing at the Russians and the Russians finger pointing back, just about everyone having a say but still ending it with “We don’t think military intervention is the answer here” Well just what is the answer ? We are at a stage now do we just leave the dear old “Bashar” al-Assad to his own devices in a situation that is rife with propaganda, Syrian state TV is broadcasting calls that are claimed to be from militants to the rebels of “Do a Haffa massacre, film it and lets blame the government” Where on earth does one go from there ?

As the person on the other end of the news and not in the field can you or I say what really is ?. . .

But whatever the reason or the cause there is a whole lot of lives who are looking at not existing in the next few days and oh yes and let’s not forget the children, children who are now being used by both sides to provoke a reaction, both sides remember that !

If it wasn’t for the children I would say just let them whatever side they may be on just “Let rip”, and I say whatever sides as this is not just a war between rebel freedom fighters and a we don’t like your policies leader “Bashar” al Assad there are many very sick and deepening games being played here and these massacres are being used to provoked and how they are doing just that as we sit on our comfy sofa’s watching the TV screen going OMG OMG!!!

No matter how much the finger pointing we are getting from one leader to another here, none of it is solving the problem, we have over the decades come to learn that UN intervention can in the end create more problems and in the end more deaths, but where as in other countries we had no say in the matter such as Iraq, Syria is now at a point even if it is being used by persons unknown is at the world’s attention, just what are we going to do about it ? And just how can we help in a country that is now facing an all out civil or proxy war, sectarianism on the grounds of religion, poltical, tribal, revenge, ethnic cleansing believe me it has got the lot and more . . .

Syria is not “Libya let’s get this over and done with” for a start Libya was a much smaller country with a much clearer divide that Syria will ever hope to have, also “Bashar” al-Assad has Iran’s backing and we are supplying the weapons Russia! They are a whole load of things that could go wrong here if we were seen yet again to be supporting the wrong faction here (Afghanistan) If we were to enter here just who is the enemy ? We kick dear old “Bashar” al Assad out on what grounds to find years later the evidence lay somewhere else (Halajaba 1986, Sadam Hussein).

Lack of money! Just as Afghanistan bled the Russians dry in what they thought was going to be easy takeover bid, Afghanistan has yet again proven the day and is bleeding the likes of the US, UK and NATO dry, can we afford the time, the effort, the money, our soldiers lives in what could as time goes by not a war but nothing more than sectarian gang warfare ? The responsibility whether you like it or not lies in your hands between knowing what the real truth is within Syria, is your Dollar, your support, your want really heading in the right direction ? Think on we have been here before (Serbia) . . .

2012 the end of the world! No it is the end of the Mayan 5th 125 year calendar, but it will bring about great change, are we not in the 21st century ? It will get worse before it gets better, but have we not seen changes here we have not seen before, Dictators are now being shown the door, governments and leaders are being shown to be held for account, military officials questioned on their roles, warmongers such as pass military US presidents are lessening, we are more than ever questioning the role we play in other countries, people are sick of “We are only there for the oil” routine. . .

“Yes” it is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better, the adage we really do want peace has to one day prevail.

Media is playing a big part here; no more black & white photos where we cannot see the blood, but hell out and out see it as it is happening videos operated by ones own mobile phones . . .

Journalists pay with their lives to bring us the truth . . .

And if you cannot get it on the news for what it is just Utube, Truthtube it and see it for what it is!

Peace that’s all it takes, peace for all, we teach it along side buying our children the toy plastic gun and toy plastic grenade, the war games we breed our children on, what does it in the end teach any of us ?

The system is wrong and we are all to blame every single one of us, so think on when your shedding a tear for some innocent child that just had it throat slit or it’s little brains shot out, we are the ones to blame . . .

Do we rule the governments or do the governments rule us ? Do we as the people of the world even comprehend the art of people power, rise up demand that all weapons no longer be made to exist in the first place, learn to have your heated arguments over the table, reconcile, learn to love your brothers and sisters of the world, because after all we have got what life is all about arse upwards . . .

Just the same as Syria . . .

Stop news:

Rebel freedom fighters have now decided to withdraw from the city of Haffa, it says to prevent any further bombardment to its residents . . .

It is the first sensible statement I have heard from the rebels . . .

Because wherever you are trouble of a deadly kind surely follows . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Syria has been struck by a new massacre in the villages Qubair and Maarzaf in the Hama province, although the deaths have been totalled at 86 I think the total may be a lot higher on the grounds some of the people were taken away from these villages and may well be found killed and dumped elsewhere at a later date.

Sad that so soon after the Houla massacre that another another should be committed which involves the killing of whole familes, is this not ethnic cleansing we are seeing here ? A political game being played by one what could be of many sides! the Syrian army, the pro-Assad militants (The Shabahi) The rebels freedom fighters or worse an outer force sent in with a view of provocating war within Syria, speculation is a terrible thing till proven other wise as there seems to be over a period of time and experience of other countries a pattern that is now becoming to common and whether we like it or not it could be just one of the reasons Russia is still holding out, because haven't we seen all this before ?

According to Syria state TV offical sources were seen to say that they had no choice to enter Qubair in responding to appeals from the people there! And that the bodies that were massacred were found after the military entered the village !

The killing of people at such close range as these people are, either by knives or guns involves a lot of blood, how on earth are the perpetrators managing to leave the areas in question covered in so much blood and not one person being left to identify just one of their attackers ? Given that these attackers are supposedly claimed to be from ones own neighbouring villages, how does one know if the attackers are from a neighbouring if no one can identify them as such ?  One does not have to know a person personally to be able to say that such a person or persons come from a neighbouring village but if it is known that such a person is then identify them and be done with it ! But as ever do you ever hear of one person that is unmistakably recognised and/or even one name given ? But as always there is always one rebel activist or more around to tell the tale whilst still being alive and was unable for one reason or another to prevent just such a massacre ?

Amazing  . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali

Monday, 4 June 2012


Well there I was just wondering giving life never stops but just that news we receive comes in cycles, that we had not heard anything from Pakistan lately, as the world eyes are on Britain and the Queens diamond jubilee dear old president Barack Obama is still on the job dropping drones into a still troubled Pakistan/Afghan borders regions of Waziristan, so happy days business as usual then? They say 15 people have been killed in this attack this being the 3rd attack in so many days, not a lot left to be identified but to say there are some foreign nationals amongst them ? Which is strange because I always thought Pakistanis & Afghans were foreign ! Putting the pun aside side but just who is getting killed here ? In the end a decision was made we are sending drones in, but it has to made on some grounds, if the Yanks have made a choice to send a drone in on the grounds it is a military compound why are we not getting a score card of who has hit the dust and what difference this is making to effort against terrorism ? Waziristan is a complex place north & south it is one of the hardest terrains on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan to deal with, but still it would be nice to know just who is getting it in the arse! It would help us understand the need of using the drones in such away, given so that not so many names are given out to show us that the effort of using the drones are worthwhile ! It makes sitting round drinking chai around the camp fire with your guns propped up against the rocks so much less fun now a days! Pakistan hates them because the word collateral Damage seems so synonymous when used with the word drone, I just love the good part of the uncorrupted Pakistan army that has in its time given it life trying to deal with the problems that exists in such a harden terrain, it even beats Afghanistan as being one of the worse terrains to deal with, and I think we should be more educated to the part it plays in the war against terrorism because it is the toughest nut to crack between Pakistan and Afghanistan border and will be for some time to come . . .

As far as I am aware it is the Pakistan army that deals with Waziristan and not the Afghan army in its fight against the known terrorist that breed within it and there seems to be a lack of communications between Pakistan and the Americans maybe due to a well held belief that by forewarning the Pakistanis of any such attacks leads to the camp fire being left abandoned before the drones can get their man! But it is this lack of communication that results in such collateral damage coming into to play thus inciting the Pakistanis no end, trust is such dirty word between America and Pakistan it just does not bare thinking about!

Even so a score card of who hit the dust would be nice even if it is after the event . . .

5th June 2012

And the news is in as to who the intended target was in the latest Drone attack . . .

al-Qaeda's second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi !

The 1st Drone attack hitting 3 militant targets the 2nd Drone attack 12 more but none have yet to be identified so here's hoping . . .

Pakistan is again hitting out at the US claiming the Drone attacks are illegal well I am all for Drones if they hit their intended target, I for one don't like the use of I.E.D's, I and many others believe that I.E.D's sumounts to nothing more than dirty fighting and is the work of cowards so alls fair in love and war . . .

President Barack Obama is showing he means business and unlike any Presidents before him that are in fact of a miliarty back ground where he is not, he is actually the one using his head and getting in where it counts.

What ever we may think of him he is getting the job done like no other whether in Pakistan or else where.

As long as he is hitting the intended target . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

Sunday, 3 June 2012


Well ex leader Hosni Mubarak has got his lot as only he should along with former interior minister Habib al-Aldy, but should there have been more ? Four other interior ministers and two security chiefs walked Free! And what happened there with ex president Hosni Mubaraks two sons Alaa and Gamal surely they were guilty of more ? Well there’s a whole list of others who have been found guilty of crimes of corruption and conspiracy and have been charged and sentenced so I can sympathise with the Egyptian people that these six people were not found guilty of any charges and that Alaa ad Gamal Mubarak only now have charges of manipulation of the stock market ! But that is the way of the justice system who claimed all of the men received a fair trial, this is life . . .

Do more of the concerns not lie with the fact that Egypt is still under control of an unwanted Miliarty regime and the fact that Egyptians now face unhappily an election with a choice of only the two highest contenders, one of those being ex leader Hosni Mubaraks former prime minister Ahmed Shariq and the once feared الإخوان المسلمون‎ Muslim brotherhood election contender Mohammed Mursi, I would have thought Amr Moussa would have been a better option for Egypt right now as a breaker to better times . . .

But an Egyptians lot is an unhappy lot . . .

As with all revolutions that take place without a clear leader to replace whatever dictator they had wish to remove and is never clearly thought out, with the people of those revolutions expecting no more that bloody miracles in answer to their prayers . . .

So the dear old Egyptians are up in arms thinking of revolting again, remembering that it is the voters of Egypt that have brought these two election contenders to the fore maybe they should think about this before taking their frustrations to the streets again . . .

We as the world are all suffering economical wise and Egypt is not alone in its frustration of wanting answers to its growing economical crisis with the poor wanting better but the rich no longer in an position to give it, you would think the Egpytians would take a leaf out of their own history of their own past kings and queens you can only have it good for so long . . .

But the question here is, whatever is happening in Egypt is the pending protests going to remain peaceful? Are the Egyptians going to do this with their voice alone or with wilful damaging effect to property because this ends up revoking a response from the military regime who would probably be happier if you didn’t, woe betide any military commander who is thinking of taking up anything but water cannons, battens and tear gas to subdue the people, because if no one is taking up arms against you and if you end up killing any of the protesters are you not guilty of murder? And look where that gets you . . .

So happy days Egypt . . .

So congratulations after a long haul of 31 years your country is no longer under emergency rule, yet dictators come into power just because of such events as these, that is how they are created in the first place to keep the likes of you "the unhappy souls" taking their frustrations out on their country and its people and bringing its country into even more disrepute, a state of emergency is then called into play and bless you if you are not right back where you started . . .

So good luck Egypt . . .


Friday, 1 June 2012


How strange are we? As a country that makes and supplies arms to other countries have the right to condemn the likes of Russia of supporting the Syria army with arms, isn't this something we are all guilty of some time or other? In fact what is any county doing supplying arms to another county? It is one thing to make our own weaponry on the grounds of being able to defend ones own country to supply another that may in the end be used onto its own people is another! Did we not just lately condemned the likes of Gaddafi for using weapons against his own people when in fact Britain was one of Libya’s main arms dealers? Billions of pounds are spent each year paid by the British tax payer to give our governments the right to play god in other people wars not of our own making! I do agree with countries being part of NATO with a view that if a country with a lesser defence system can be aided by a unbiased united force, there does seems a sense of logic there, this can only be operated by a unified decision by all countries under the NATO agreement to give armed support to a country that is under the threat by another more powerful force, as each war is played out and wars have been going for a long time people are starting to wake up, excuse me but how slow are we? To the fact that each and every one of us is guilty of someone’s death somewhere in the world! How scary is that? Do we in death think we are immune to facing the day of judgement when faced with a council of higher beings showing you every step to every wrong to which we are guilty, no ignorance allowed for blindness that will be one thing you will learn on your own death believe me, if only for a fleeting moment your mind opens we will see all the faults of where we went wrong, sad as it is the powers that be know this and live on your ignorance to fuel their own ends, evil verses good a time old adage with the progress of evil verses good going to fast to good versus evil, till in the end it is to late we are doomed and evil wins, we are all guilty of being on that treadmill unless the whole world goes into revolt which is just not going to happen, only on death will you be questioned did you really need any of life’s necessary evils? Hard to answer when each and every one of us is brought up and educated not to know any different, why when there are so many of us that then become enlighten fail to be unable to united to change what we know is wrong? Just about everyone I know wants peace, a less dog eat dog attitude, yet many thousands of years on and the gain is so little, our lives are still operated on the fact we can see the damage we do to this world but seldom do anything constructive to prevent it, no one as an united force is prepared to down tools just for one day because peaceful well meaning protests just go ignored and should the peasants revolt well the powers that be have the police, the battens, the water cannons, the tear gas, the rubber bullets, the prisons, the armies, the guns, the tanks and even your death! To keep you in check, so how sad is that? The powers that be don’t really have your good intentions at heart your continued ignorance fuels them to their own better end, we can’t win either way so some of us don’t even try and those who do die! I cannot not fear death me, I can’t ask for forgiveness because I am not ignorant, just like so many other silent people I wait, I wait for the end with a view I may return to a world that deserved so much better.