Sunday, 3 June 2012


Well ex leader Hosni Mubarak has got his lot as only he should along with former interior minister Habib al-Aldy, but should there have been more ? Four other interior ministers and two security chiefs walked Free! And what happened there with ex president Hosni Mubaraks two sons Alaa and Gamal surely they were guilty of more ? Well there’s a whole list of others who have been found guilty of crimes of corruption and conspiracy and have been charged and sentenced so I can sympathise with the Egyptian people that these six people were not found guilty of any charges and that Alaa ad Gamal Mubarak only now have charges of manipulation of the stock market ! But that is the way of the justice system who claimed all of the men received a fair trial, this is life . . .

Do more of the concerns not lie with the fact that Egypt is still under control of an unwanted Miliarty regime and the fact that Egyptians now face unhappily an election with a choice of only the two highest contenders, one of those being ex leader Hosni Mubaraks former prime minister Ahmed Shariq and the once feared الإخوان المسلمون‎ Muslim brotherhood election contender Mohammed Mursi, I would have thought Amr Moussa would have been a better option for Egypt right now as a breaker to better times . . .

But an Egyptians lot is an unhappy lot . . .

As with all revolutions that take place without a clear leader to replace whatever dictator they had wish to remove and is never clearly thought out, with the people of those revolutions expecting no more that bloody miracles in answer to their prayers . . .

So the dear old Egyptians are up in arms thinking of revolting again, remembering that it is the voters of Egypt that have brought these two election contenders to the fore maybe they should think about this before taking their frustrations to the streets again . . .

We as the world are all suffering economical wise and Egypt is not alone in its frustration of wanting answers to its growing economical crisis with the poor wanting better but the rich no longer in an position to give it, you would think the Egpytians would take a leaf out of their own history of their own past kings and queens you can only have it good for so long . . .

But the question here is, whatever is happening in Egypt is the pending protests going to remain peaceful? Are the Egyptians going to do this with their voice alone or with wilful damaging effect to property because this ends up revoking a response from the military regime who would probably be happier if you didn’t, woe betide any military commander who is thinking of taking up anything but water cannons, battens and tear gas to subdue the people, because if no one is taking up arms against you and if you end up killing any of the protesters are you not guilty of murder? And look where that gets you . . .

So happy days Egypt . . .

So congratulations after a long haul of 31 years your country is no longer under emergency rule, yet dictators come into power just because of such events as these, that is how they are created in the first place to keep the likes of you "the unhappy souls" taking their frustrations out on their country and its people and bringing its country into even more disrepute, a state of emergency is then called into play and bless you if you are not right back where you started . . .

So good luck Egypt . . .


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