Friday, 29 June 2012


The turning point, dear old “Bashar” al Assad has managed to diplomatically talk his way out of just about everything under the sun here and the world has been seen as unable to do anything I say seen as under cover who knows what has really been going on in regards of arming the rebels ? No matter what has happened and the countless deaths by massacre of men, women and children the worlds hands have been tied, the imminent massacre of Haffa seems to have been a turning point here with the rebels moving out !

What has happened since Haffa ? Well the tactics seemed to have changed a lttle and we are now hearing what we should have been hearing from the start the rebels are now concentrating their efforts into “Bashar” al Assad’s strongholds and with this the story changes with dear old (I’m so offended) “Bashar” al Assad now declaring Syria is at war !

With this change in tactics which before we could have been looking at a diplomatic exile or step-down of Bashar” al Assad, it now looks as if, if it continues to be a long drawn out war based against "Bashar” al Assad and his military might it’s self within their own provinces, if only the rebels had the brains just to continue to concentrate their efforts on not maintaining their own strongholds of their own provinces but concentrate on only going for ”Bashar” al Assad himself and his military members !

It is at this time there will be no holds barred or even guilt to arming the rebels freedom fighters whereas before the guilt that was carried was a guilt that just everyone carried on the grounds that arming the rebels freedom fighters resulted in the just so many deaths of innocent men, women and children where ever the rebels where held out ! Since when has that been a war ?

Propaganda is rife as to who is actually doing what ! Remembering this is a hard cruel world where dirty tactics can be played by all and I say all ! But if all the rebels freedom fighters were to gather together with a view of concentrating only into going for Bashar” al Assad the I am sure the world will just stand by with a blind eye and let them get on with it . . .

It seems “Bashar” al Assad has played just about every diplomatic card there is in the pack here and nothing in that department seem to be getting any better !

We have Russia doing its best to find away to suit only themselves and getting "Bashar" al Assad to somewhat way to stay in some kind of power !

We have heard of military defections but not enough at the moment to make any differences, but we will hear more I am sure once the military are made to made to realise (Which they surely will) this is no longer a fight that can be hidden under the name of terrorism but an all and all fight to get “Bashar” al Assad and his beloved and loyal military men it’s self . . .

This in its self would change the whole status quo within Syria and after recent events would the world even care ?

Turkey is a county in waiting, waiting for what ? To see if it’s fighter plane was shot down in Syrian waters as the “Bashar’s al Assad military say !

No matter what the real facts are or for whatever reasons a Turkish military plane was claimed to be flying fast and low within Syria waters still remains to be seen !

The facts remain that the world leaders and some of them have shown quite provability have put the pressure on Bashar” al Assad, with dear old peace keeper Kofi Annan trying just about every diplomatic way in which to bring an end to this conflict with “Bashar” al Assad not chosing to listen and we may add neither did the rebels, with the added we need proof there could be no change to the whole drawn out issue that remain in Syria.

I for one could see something in the fact the rebels chose to withdraw from Haffa, but as to whether it did in the end prevent a massacre remains to be seen ? The inside word is NO !

But since this event the tactics are changing, news we now hear is of attacks nearer to were Bashar” al Assad strongholds are and this is the tactics the rebels freedom fighters should have been using in the first place after all is their fight not with Bashar” al Assad himself.

The world has watched, heard and stood by but unable to do very little as each side threw the blame onto each other ! With the word terrorist brought into every conflicting issue by "Bashar" al Assad, the idea that the rebels freedom fighters only concentrate on getting Bashar” al Assad himself no longer adds to the word terrorists and as far as I am concerned it is a “Bashar al Assad’s fight win or lose the idea of arming the rebels freedom fighters steps up, we are no longer in fear of arming terrorists but hopefully genuine freedom fighters (Oh Libya you cry) Yes I hear it, it is a fact and also sadly going to be very true if a solution is not found somewhere in the near future . . .

But the fact is by concentrating on where “Bashar” al Assad really is turns the military into having to concentrate to where all the action is, thus lessening the chances of more massacres in what were other rebel held provinces !

After all if the rebels were to concentrate in puttig some effort in to weaken dear old Bashar” al Assad strongholds provinces would the military be found to be massacring their own lot ?

If “Bashar” al Assad is the man you want I suggest you only concentrate on getting him and him alone, the rest will break down over time as more military to save their own skins defect (Unlike Libya no one is calling this lot heroes) and even as a still long drawn process, progress will be made . . .

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

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