Sunday, 24 June 2012


Has government leader David Cameron totally lost his marbles ? In his attempt to draw in more yet more money to help recover the national debt he has now drummed up a hair brain scheme to take away housing benefits from the under 25’s with idea of pushing the those who are unemployed into work, the very same people who from the ages of 16 to 18 receive just a meagre £3.68 a hour minimum wage and 18 to 21 year olds just a mere £4.98 a hour, with apprentices receiving a meagre £2.90 a hour, so just how he expecting these youngsters to pay for their own room rental which on average cost about £90 a week, let alone live ? Maybe he is hoping of forcing the younger generation into staying at home when governments have over the decades have broken down the whole moral idea of what family structure is all about !

There is nothing wrong with re-hauling the benefits system where we have people living at others expense decades on unemployment benefits with no view of finding work, but why are we hitting on the young and vulnerable who are the very people who need help ?

Are we seeing any moves to remove benefits from self inflicted illnesses such as known alcoholics and drug users ? Who are quite happy to enjoy their self inflicted abuses at our expense !

The benefits system does needs work on it, in fairness all of us even those on benefits would say this, to tell youngsters we are doing this in your best interests is all well and good, but what message is it giving out to our youngsters ? Where we have governments who states it wants to prompt our youngsters into learning that leaving school and allowing themselves to fall into the benefit trap is over, sure we can see where that is going ! But what of the social system that puts pressure on youngsters to leave home at such an early age, homeless and forced into unhappy jobs at £3.68 with no hope of any decent housing, I only just see a higher rate in disillusionment for these very same youngsters ?

I would say the government seems to be spending all of its time giving our younger generations a whole sense of hopelessness of a life that seems impossible to me, our youngsters should be promoted, giving reason, hope, but what are they getting instead ?

How are we rewarding, promoting and giving a youngster self esteem when we afford them a meagre £2.90 to fulfil an youngsters apprentice’s dream of becoming a fully skilled person ?

Why does the same government who seems to think that these very same youngsters who should show an adult like responsibility by paying their way in the world are rewarded only peanuts ? Would it not be better to put that extra amount of money that we as a nation are paying in housing benefits to those youngsters who may well turn to crime on the streets, the damage we may inflict on them as some of them turn to drink or drugs and not to mention the mental effect this may well have on them by just giving them a better wage to fulfil our dear government wishes ? Just one suicidal youngster would be in my eyes considered a crime against the government who in my eyes have not really thought this out !

So Mr David Cameron did you even make sure there was enough jobs for each and every youngster to whom you are hoping of making homeless before you made up this yet another hair brain scheme I ask you ?

1.8 Billion in housing benefits could well be better spent giving these very same youngsters into supporting employers to take on these very same youngsters who you begrudging for being victims of a system you as the government have made and therefore should be taking the blame . . .

As an afterthought why not stop housing benefit for anyone over the ages of 21 and of and up to a pensionable age thus giving the youngsters a chance to get on their feet and set an affordable rent limit on properties for the rest of us then there wouldn't be a need for housing benefit in the first place, thus showing the whole country how we can be of a better moral background of becoming a no state country whilst still being there for the ones who really do need it . . . ?

I also for one believe that if we did not employ a system that rewards young single mums by giving them money and a house for free, would it not be actually a much better deterrent to prevent having sex out of marriage and bring the responsibility of a load of waywards fathers into account and make walking away from marriage more questionable ! For those who do continue to flaut the basic moral laws should be made to seek charitable help rather than be paid for from the hard earned money of the already over taxed tax payer . . . 

Employers could be made to ask if employees wish to pay a voluntary contibution from their wages at an amount only agreed by the employee to UK based only charitys, to aid in the many aspects of peoples lives that do need genuine help . . .

Costs to the N.H.S could be dropped considerably if the likes of peoples who could be proven to show they suffer from self inflicted illnesses from the likes of smoking, drinking and drugs were made to pay something to wards the costs of their treatment, (Shock if not all) All people in sports and the like, make it compulsory their membership to their giving club was to include insurance for injuries, we can as the unemployed quite happily pay insurance for our possessions but seldom think about what is most important to us which is our health !

Do we really need a free for all system ? Could we not, just as the benefit system says that people on a low or no wage income who cannot afford to pay towards costs say those that can should be made to be insured as compulsion, thus helping the system to work towards those who really need it ? As of now we have a system that is free to all thus creating a system that is under funded and over worked !

Should we be paying towards catering our now binge drinking society who have no regards to the public, police, hospitals, nurses and the councils who have to clear up the mess ? Should anyones name be found in the system being there from the likes of a drink or drugs not be made to pay more than they do now for taking up the time and effort of the much needed police, doctors and nurses eg: much more heavier fines than they pay now ?

It seem to me as if councils are so willing to give absorbent fines for just parking in a no parking space or dropping litter on our streets more effort should be giving to someone is so out of control as to puke all over our pavements after a night out on the beer, not to mention the costs we then as tax payers pay out to early morning council street cleaners, I do not see any night wardens covering that little lot while dropping their kebab and wrappings all over our streets, maybe they are just to scared to confront  our over aggressive we help make them with no respect for authority youngsters ? 

Maybe the money that could saved could maybe used towards one or two financial accountants advisers with a hope of teaching our future governments and MP's that the revenue received by enabling such damaging activities as wayward drinking caused by open to all hours pubs and clubs with a whole range of easy to get to drinks in our supermarkets  outweights the costs that we then have to pay out to repair all those broken souls, do we not as a nation have a moral obligation to all to say there is fun and there is fun ? Where is it fun to see our youngsters near death from a no limit drinking session and then there is the long term effects, all in all costing the nation more than it was worth in revenue, nothing in this world will stop a person from becoming a drunk, a drug addict, a single mum, homeless or a criminal, but why do we as a society have a one in all in attitude that opens the door and creates more ! Then left to wonder where did it all go wrong and then find ourselves burdened with the cost ? 

Hell no lets just kick all the youngsters out of having a roof over their head that should help to pay towards the costs eh ?

Aysha Sadiq-Ali. *_*;

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