Sunday, 4 September 2016


Each animal was brought in and penned - then the poor thing cornered
Then in any barbaric way they chose - the animal was then slaughtered

Then cut up - packed - sold and bought to feed your sons and daughters
While the rest of us all turn a blind eye when really we shouldn’t oughta’

It is not that I am saying that you should never bring meat to the table
But if we could eat less - then kill them more humanely - if you are able

It’s our greed - that puts the killing of animals for meat in high demand
To many slaughter houses are not watched over and are left unmanned

To the horrors that lie within them - and to the people who are employed
Who seem to take their pleasure afflicting as much pain as to be their ploy

We really should be more grateful for the meat that is placed upon our plate
I hope all the words I write within these lines - will for you carry some weight

Before nature’s own creatures turn against us all - in their own justifiable hate
And kill you with their cancers & diseases in the meat you have so enjoyably ate

Indiana Shaw . . . -_-

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