Monday, 12 September 2016


She’s a killer in sneakers her - stealing through the streets at night . . .
Squeak - squeak - is all you ever hear from the squeaky little shites . . .

Do not contemplate the rain - or the squeaks will only get worse . . .
Stuck like glue to her feet - like some awful gawd forsaken curse . . .  

I would like to get into her bedroom and steal them away at night  . . .
But honest - opened the bedroom door - the smell was up a height . . .

Bon fire night is soon a coming and I am drawing up a master plan . . .  
Somewhere in the middle of that fire those squeaky sneakers land . . .

I just know the street will more than thank me - that I can be sure . . .  
So that those ever so squeaky sneakers can never be heard no more  . . .

 Indiana Shaw . . . ; )

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